Winners of distinction prize at e-learning were awarded by His Excellency the Rector during the technology and e-transactions week held by the University.

Dean of E-Learning & Distance Education Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari stated the underlying purpose of this prize is to encourage faculty members to develop the sense of creativity and innovation in them as well as creating a sense of competition among them to enrich the electronic educational process. He also added that the idea of e-learning prize was established to develop the e-learning level to keep pace with the progress and development in the field of e-learning. He noted “the need for e-learning type has been growing as the number of interested in higher education learning has rapidly increased which makes it difficult to be managed by the University. Therefore, the Rector has supported the e-learning via setting a prize which includes five branches: firstly, (to learn) excel at digital curriculum, Secondly, (to contribute) excellence at scientific research; thirdly, (to excel) excel at using modern technology in e-learning, fourth (to teach) excel atdistinctive e-learning programs and fifthly (to innovate) excel at innovation in the field of e-learning.

The winners of this prize are as follow:

Mr. Kamal A. Al-Saqeer, College of Applied Medical Science

Mr. AbdelnaserAbdelrahman , College of Science in Zulfi

Dr. Ameerah Al-Megawri, Education College in Majmaah

Dr. Mustafa Iraqi, College of Science in Zulfi

Mr. Kamal A. Al-Saqeer, College of Applied Medical Science

Mr. Ibraheem Sharaani, College of Science in Zulfi

Last modified
Sunday, 01/December/2013