His Excellency the Rector of the university, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Muqrin, has followed up the reports of running the work in the urgent construction projects in the university. His Excellency discussed with the Vice Rector of the university, Dr. Musalam bin Mohammed Al Dossari, the latest reports associated with these projects and provided by the Department of Projects at the university and the Committee of Urgent Buildings in the branches of the university. During the discussion, an acquaintance took place with the levels of achievement in the urgent projects for female students and  the building projects for male students and what is related to the phases of time reached by these projects, and the solutions taken by the concerned authorities towards some of the obstacles and the observations that have been monitored on contractors and what were the actions taken by. In this context, his Excellency the Vice Rector has pointed out that his Excellency the Rector of the university has praised on the content of  these reports of having such an adequate information in regards to the ways of running these projects with the accuracy in the preparation by the concerned authorities, requesting on the need for the continuation of follow-up and the coordination with the contractors of these projects to resolve what come up of contingencies on time, in such a way  that could contribute to the rapid completion of these projects and delivered them on time.

Last modified
Tuesday, 05/August/2014