The College of Education at Zulfi represented by the Unit of Student Affairs organized a trip to Medina for brilliant students and scholarship students as well as for students who have had effective participation in Students Activities. The trip started on Wednesday, 19/05/1436 AH and is due to end on Friday 21/05/1436 AH. Students were accompanied by His Excellency the College Vice Dean for Student Affairs Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Alqashami, His Excellency the Head of the Department of Islamic Studies Dr. Mohammad bin Abdullah Al Taiar, the coordinator of the Student Activities Unit at the Department of Islamic Studies Dr. Fateh Hossni Abdul Karim, and the Secretary of the Student Activities Unit at the College Mr. Omar bin Ahmed Al Khonaini. The program of the trip included visiting the Islamic University and meeting the Vice-Rector of the University His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Kateb, and visiting the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi Al-Sharif (the Prophet's Mosque) and king Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex as well. The trip also included visiting the most prominent historic landmarks in Medina. By the end of the trip, everyone expressed their thanks, appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency the Rector of the University and to His Excellency the College Vice Dean for Student Affairs and to the officials in the College of Education at Zulfi, led by His Excellency the Dean of the College, for organizing the trip, asking Allah the Almighty to reward them .


Last modified
Monday, 27/April/2015