In its third convention during the academic year 1436/1437 Ah, the Reading Club at the Deanship of Student Affairs at Majmaah University hosted Dr. Abdullah Al-Sufiani, Director of World Encyclopedia for Arabic Literature Association. Dr. Sufiani has written a few books in Arabic Literature. Some of these are “My Mother, I DIE With Unspoken Words”; “ Veil of Vision”; Language of Sermons”; Mud Wall”; Principles of Criticism”. “Reading Journey” was the title of the meeting, where Dr. Sufiani talked about reading, its types, levels and the great role Islam has given to it, as it was the first revelation to the Prophet, “ Read….”. Furthermore, Dr. Sufiani explained the morality of reading and its effect on the Muslim reader. Then, there were different queries about the habit of reading and how could it be acquired. Abdurrahman Al-Falih, Head of the Reading Club, expressed his pleasure of the meeting and thanked Dr. Sufiani for attending the event and giving the lecture. Also, Falih expressed his appreciation to the Dr. Hamad Qamizi- Dean of Student Affairs Deanship- for his great support of the club and its activities. Moreover, Falih emphasized that the club, in its attempt to encourage Majmaah University students to read, aims at holding several other meetings about reading including another session in the upcoming month about Mr. Ibrahim AL-Sakran’s Book “Methods”.

Last modified
Monday, 21/March/2016