Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin, will meet the new students on Thursday, 10/01/1437 in the University Theater on campus at 9:00 am.


Such meetings reflect that the Rector is interested in the University freshmen, and willing to open a channel of communication with them,” Dr. Hamad Al-Qamizi-Dean of Student Affairs Department- said.


The Rector will explain to the new students the vision and mission of the university as well as its expectations of them to be excellent models for their communities.


Dr. Qamizi pointed out that all university officials were interested in attending the meeting, and he urged the students to take advantage of such gatherings in order to know more about the university and the things expected from them.


The assembly will be broadcasted to all female departments as well, Dr. Qamizi declared.


The General Department of Transportation will transport students from their respective colleges to the main campus where the meeting is held.


Dr. Qamizi thanked the rector for the meeting and his support of the new students.

Last modified
Saturday, 15/October/2016