Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin expressed his appreciation to the efforts of the Police Force in their fighting against the terror that targets the stability and security of the Kingdom, commending the courage of the brave security personnel who have managed to hunt down terrorist cells plotting to undermine the peace of the country before they could execute their evil plans.

“Such acts of terror are clear indications that the country is under a substantial threat from deviant groups who have no respect for humanity,” Dr. Muqrin stated.

He added “I am really impressed by the bravery and alertness of the police in their handling of such cases. They have always been able to arrest the plotters before committing their horrible actions.”  The rector stated that the captured group targeted police personnel and communicated with ISIL.

“The Police discovered a plan to bomb the Jawhara Stadium in Jeddah before the football match between the Saudi National Team and the UAE Team,” Dr. Muqrin said.

“Thanks to Allah first and foremost, the security forces were able to abort the operation before the worst could happen,” he added.

He also continued “It isn’t the first time the security forces could prevent a catastrophe like that; there were other similar terrorist schemes targeting citizens and public facilities that were discovered and prevented, and we are proud of our alert police force in the country in this regard.”

Dr. Muqrin sated that the horrible activities aim for chaos and disunity, but due to the great efforts of the police, such attempts to undermine public security went in vain.

“This is a message to those who tamper with the peace and security of this nation, that they will be hunted down and brought to justice,” Dr. Muqrin stated.

“Their evil plots and hateful ideology have gone beyond reason when they attempted attacking sacred places and killing innocent civilians, Muslims like them, just because they won’t follow their evil agenda and twisted mentalities. Those people cannot be classified as opposition belonging to a religion, a sound ideology or even human beings with feelings and the ability to think, as their heinous actions have been proving their twisted mindsets,” the Rector added.

Dr. Muqrin has stressed that these events and the subsequent destructive attempts along with the continuing terrorist threats can only make the nation stronger and more united than ever in fighting groups that aim for destruction and disarray.

“We should be willing to redouble our efforts in facing these kinds of ideology with reason and convince the young men and women in this country that such ousted groups follow a dark path that could only lead to self-destruction,” Dr. Muqrin advised.

“We should also work on raising the loyalty of the youth, pointing out the achievements of the country, the prosperity and wellbeing that we have been living for decades. They should know that we live this way because we’re united, peaceful with faith in humanity and appreciation for human lives,” he added.

“Our modern history proves that we are able to get through these types of adversity and overcome such obstacles by our strong belief in Allah, the Almighty, our trust in the police force and above all our by our loyalty to this country,” Dr. Muqrin stated.

The Rector prayed for the protection of King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, his Crown Prince, Prince Muhammad bin Nayyef and the Deputy crown-prince, Prince Muhammad bin Salman against any harm.

He also extended his prayers to include the security personnel who put their lives at risk in trying to prevent such heinous acts of terrorism.


Finally, he prayed for those who were killed in former attacks to be forgiven by the Almighty.

Last modified
Monday, 07/November/2016