The Deanship of e-Learning organizes a number of training courses on LMS (Desire 2 Learn)

In accordance to the Deanship of e-learning and distance learning pursuit to develop faculty members and students’  performance at the university, to deal with the e-learning system(Desire 2 Learn) and As part of the annual plan of the Deanship to train on e-learning applications, the Deanship raised a number of training courses on e-learning systems and educational applications, and how to use LMS Desire 2 Learn (D2L) at Majmaah , Zulfi ,Ghaat , Haotat Sudair and Rummah.

The courses were characterized by constructive interaction between the trainer and participants, and during those courses all the basic tools needed by the faculty member were presented to provide educational material in electronic form, also the user guide was distributed to the trainees.

In this regard, the training unit indicated that the registration for those courses is still open through e-services e-portal.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020