Graduate Studies Excellence Award

It is an annual award organized by Majmaah University to graduate students who are scientifically excellent. The aim of the award is to contribute in creating an environment conducive to improving scientific research and innovation.
Target Audience:
Graduate Students of Majmaah University
1. inculcate the culture of scientific research among graduate students
2. Encourage graduate students excel scientifically
3. Improve the research and scientific skills and abilities among graduate students
Terms and Conditions :
1. Applicant should be a regular students or a graduate of the year 1439/1440
2. Applicant should have published at least ONE paper or have a paper that is accepted for publication in his/her field
3. GPA not less than 4.5 out of 5
4. The title of applicant’s published paper should include Majmaah University
5. Applicant must have taken at least ONE course from the Dean’s Office of Graduate Studies or the Dean’s Office Scientific Research
To apply for the award, please visit this link

Last modified
Sunday, 16/June/2019