His Excellency the university vice President for Educational Affairs Visits a Number of the University Faculties



Within the University Rector’s directives and preparing for the start of examinations, his Excellency the University vice President for Educational Affairs Dr. Ahmad Alia Alromeih made a visit to the faculties in the University. The tour included a visit to Faculty of Education in Almajma’ah, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities in Hootat Sadeer, Faculty of Education in Alzulfi, Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi, Deanship of Preparatory Year in Alzulfi and Faculty of Medicine. The visit included a number of activities such as checking out the students examinations and meeting with the teaching and meeting with the faculty leaders as well checking the assessment and teaching unit in the Faculty. His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Alromeih clarified that this visit is based upon the directives of his highness the University Rector for checking the faculties and knowing the examinations. Also, the visit aims to meet with the teaching staff as well as the administrative leaders to check the needs of the teaching staff and faculty leaders. Also, it aims to open horizons of cooperation between the university vice presidency for educational affairs and the faculties. DR. Alromeih explained that this visit is not the last as there will some visits later and his excellency the university vice president for educational affairs wished the university faculties a lot of prosperity and success in a manner that serve the young university.




Last modified
Sunday, 15/February/2015