Reception of Faculty of Education Delegations

Reception of Faculty of Education Delegations

The Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ahmad Aromaih, received a delegation from the Faculty of Education in Majmaah including the Dean, Dr. Abdurrahman al-Sabit, vice-deans, department heads and staff directors. While handing 26 issues of the College publications such as the College handbooks, regulations and procedure registries, Dr. Sabit explained them to Dr. Romaih, who commended the efforts made in drafting the documents. “I hope we can use these handbooks efficiently by publishing them on the College website and social media accounts of the Faculty so to reach out to students and faculty,” Dr. Al-Romaih stated. In a reference to the experience and size of the College, Dr. Al-Romaih said, “The Faculty of Education is the biggest and most active college on campus, and other colleges should benefit from its experience.” Dr. Al-Sabit thanked Dr. Al-Romaih at the end of the visit for his support and advice to the delegation

Last modified
Sunday, 05/February/2017