The General Administration of Libraries and Knowledge Resources held a one-week program to introduce beneficiaries to the services provided by the General Administration of Libraries and Knowledge Resources including the printed and electronic information sources, the Saudi Digital Library (SDL),

The General Administration of Libraries and Knowledge Resources is holding a training course on searching digital knowledge sources, which is presented by Eng. Masoud Al-Sharif via Zoom.

The Deanship of Library Affairs held an online workshop entitled: " How to use of the unified search portal MuFind". The workshop was presented by Mr. Abdulsalam Yousef and highlighted the most prominent features and how to use to use it.

The Library of the university’s college complex received preparatory year students in the Department of Medical Sciences, on Sunday 3/16/1445 AH. Ms. Al-Anoud Al-Budairi - a faculty member in the English Department - gave a lecture using library books.

The Deanship of Library Affairs celebrated the 93rd National Day in all its branches. The celebration targeted university faculty members, staff and female students.

The Deanship of Library Affairs received a certificate of thanks and appreciation from the Deanship of Student Affairs, in recognition of its participation in the advising exhibition for new students.

The Deanship of Library Affairs participated in the University Advising Exhibition - 1445 AH.

In line with the role of the Deanship of Library Affairs in supporting the educational process, the Central Library welcomed a group of students from the Human Resources Diploma program at the Applied College, accompanied by Dr. Adnan Qateet, a faculty member.

The Deanship of Library Affairs held a seminar entitled (Life with Reading), which targets undergraduate students.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Branches Libraries, organized an event to celebrate Foundation Day, which falls on February 22, 2023.

As part of the series of programs and community initiatives organized by the Deanship of Library Affairs, which aim to promote the importance of reading an initiative called "How to Read a Book." was held for elementary school students in the University's Pioneer Schools.

The Deanship of Library Affairs represented by the library of the College of Applied Medical Sciences held a workshop for faculty members and students. The workshop aimed to introduced them to the library services.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the Colleges Complex in Zulfi, conducted a workshop in cooperation with the Quality Unit of the Department of Islamic Studies entitled: Digital Libraries and their role in serving scientific research, on Tuesday.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Science and Humanities in Ramah, held a workshop entitled "How to write a research paper".

In line with its role of social responsibility to promote the culture of reading and knowledge in community, the Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair, held an initiative entitled “Today’s reader, tomorrow’s leader” for early

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the library of the College of Education in Majmaah, held an event on World Arabic Language Day.
The event was attended by a number of college staff and as and students at the female campus.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by its branches, received new students on the Induction Week. The students were introduced to the library and its facilities including the regulations of borrowing books and how to search using research systems such as (koha) system.

The Deanship of Library Affairs launched Ithra initiative (knowledge enrichment of university libraries) on 4/9/2022, which targets faculty members. The aim of the initiative is to utilize faculty members' dissertations to enrich the university's libraries.

In line with its social role in spreading culture of reading, the Deanship of Library Affairs launched a mobile library initiative in the library of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair.

On the World Diabetes Day, the Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair, held an educational awareness program to educate people about diabetes, methods of prevention, and the correct methods to deal with it and reduce its effects.