آلية الوصل لأوعية المعلومات بأسرع وقت وأقل جهد

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Remah, held a workshop entitled (How to access information containers fast) on Thursday.

العمادة تُقيم ورشة عمل بعنوان ( خدمات مكتبات الجامعة )

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Education, held a workshop entitled: (University Library Services).

The aim of the workshop is to introduce the services provided by the libraries both the print and digital sources of information.

اسبوع المكتبة

The Deanship of Library Affairs represented by the Central Library and sub-branches  set up the "Library Week" program.

يوم الوطن

The library of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair (Female Sections) held on Monday an activity to celebrate the national day. The event included distribution of introductory brochures and gifts to faculty members, administrators and students.

اليوم الوطني

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Sciences and Humanities, participated in the celebration of National Day. Saudi coffee was served and two of the attendees won prizes in a lucky draw. 



اليوم الوطني

The Deanship of Library Affairs represented by the Library of the Applied Medical Science College in Majmaah held on Sunday held activities to celebrate the national day which includes distributions and expressions of love and loyalty. 

اليوم الوطني

Give the fact the National Day is a dear to celebrate the sense of belonging to this country, the Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Education held a program to celebrate this occasion on Monday 30/2/1444 AH.

اليوم الوطني

The Deanship of Library Affairs represented by the Library of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Ghat (Female Section), held an event to celebrate the National Day on Tuesday.

اسبوع المكتبة

The Deanship of Library Affairs is holding the annual Library Week for the year 1444 AH, which aims to introduce the services provided by the Deanship of Library Affairs and the facilities available in all the university’s branch libraries and the central library.

عميد شؤون المكتبات المكلف يشارك في حفل اللقاء السنوي للطلبة المستجدين

The Dean of Library Affairs, Dr. Laila Al-Manqour, participated in the annual meeting for new students, which was held by the Deanship of Student Affairs on Wednesday 7/9/2022.

عميد شؤون المكتبات يقف على متابعة استكمال مشروع المكتبة الذكية بكلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية والطب

The Dean of Library Affairs, Dr. Shadi Al-Showair is following-up the implementation of the smart library project at the headquarters of the College of Applied Medical Sciences and the College of Medicine. The first stage included selecting and setting up facilities.

مواعيد عمل المكتبات بشهر رمضان المبارك

The Central Library's working hours during Ramadan will be as follow:

Sunday - Thursday 

10am - 3 pm


عمادة شؤون المكتبات تنظم مبادرة ( اللياقـة ثقافـة )

As part of its role in serving the community, the Deanship of Library Affairs held an awareness raising activity within the university geographical area on the world obesity day. 

مكتبات الجامعة تتزين احتفالاً بيوم التأسيس

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the branch libraries, held an event to celebrate the founding day. The event included decorating the libraries in line with the identity of this day, which in turn highlights the heritage and history of the ancient homeland.

كلمة عميد شؤون المكتبات د. شـادي بن عبدالله الشـويعر  ‏بمناسبة يوم التاسيس

Founding Day is a national occasion in which we recall the Saudi state for more than three centuries.

عمادة شؤون المكتبات تقيم مبادرة " القارئ الناشئ "

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Education in Majmaah, set up an initiative for young readers, which was held at the University’s Pioneer School.

عمادة شؤون المكتبات تقيم اللقاء التعريفي للطالبات المستجدات بالجامعة

The Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by its branches in the colleges, received new students.

شاركت جامعة المجمعة ممثلة بعمادة شؤون المكتبات باللقاء الإعلامي الأول للفهرس السعودي الموحد

The Deanship of Library Affairs at MU held the first media meeting on Saudi Unified Index which was associated with an introductory workshop on Thursday December 12, 2021. 

عمادة شؤون المكتبات تحتفل باليوم العالمي للغة العربية

Given the importance of the Arabic language as one of the most widely used languages ​​in the world, and as it represents the Arab culture and identity and enriches the cultural diversity of mankind, the Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the Library of the College of Education in Majmaa

The Intellectual Property Protection Unit at the Deanship of Library Affairs, held a workshop in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs and the participation of Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP).