Message from the Vice-Dean

The Vice-Dean's Office for Quality Assurance is affiliated with the Deanship of Development and Quality. Its major responsibility is to maintain quality at the university level, following a methodology that is based on three basic elements: quality management, assurance and improvement. These elements operate within the framework of an integrated system that is the basis of a group of administrative and academic processes, leading to outputs related to teaching, scientific research and community service. This system utilizes the feedback on the quality of outputs for further improvements.

The Vice-Dean's Office carries out its work in accordance with the standards of the National Center for Accreditation and Evaluation in Quality Assurance, using a group of rigorous evaluation tools through a series of internal audits, opinion polls, performance indicators and learning outcomes. Having a strong desire to achieve maximum benefit from its activities, the Vice-Dean's Office follows up on the completion of annual reports on the results of quality assurance operations and submits them to the relevant committees for approval and sharing them with the various departments at the university.