A visit by the global medicine expert Dr. Jumanda for Medicine College of University


Medicine College of Al Majamaah university hosted His Excellency Dr. Jumanda Bonambiroma, the universal expert in the medical education and the advanced medical curricula for supervising the application of the college curriculum prepared by the participation of a number of the medical education experts all over the world from USA, Britain and Singapore. His Excellency hold a rage of workshops dedicated for the college curriculum and the global modern methods used in teaching such curriculum. College staff participated in this workshop and also the Applied Medical Science College. Also, he hold long meetings with the executive committee of the curriculum so to finish preparation and the commissions specialized for application.

His Excellency met with HE university deputy, Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdulrahman Al Huqail and listened to the university vision and its orientations in respect of the education within the university.

His Excellency university deputy declared that the Medicine College curriculum is distinguished by consideration of the program outputs before starting its application and working on preparation of physicians who have the ability to perform the medical service in a high quality. Also, it's known for pursuing the most recent techniques approved widely in the medical education such as learning by problem solving and learning in a small groups depend on an effective participation of the students.

أخر تعديل
الجمعة, 25/نوفمبر/2011