News Archive


In the presence of the heads of departments, the director of Housing, Mr. Mohammed Al-Baddah, chaired the fourth consultative meeting of the General Administration of Housing.


The General Administration of Housing conducted a workshop on Irtiqaa platform entitled (Arts and Skills of Dialogue with Others).


The General Administration of Housing hosted the closing ceremony of Umm Habiba Center for Memorizing the Holy Quran in the gym of Majmaah Housing.

More than 70 students attended the event where ladies who memorized the Quran were honored.


The General Administration of Housing hosted the Student Projects Exhibition for Sustainable Development, affiliated with the College of Education (Kindergarten Department and English Language Department), in the gym of Zulfi Housing.

سعادة رئيس الجامعة

The General Administration of Housing submitted its (first) report for the year 2024 which featured the major figures and statistics of the administration, including issuing electricity bills for residents, tours and monitoring units, activities and events, workshops and designing brochures.&nbsp


In cooperation with the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, and in the presence of the director of the Administration, Mr. SamiAl-Mutairi, the director of Housing, Mr.


The General Administration of Housing celebrated the Environment Week 2024 in the presence of the director of Housing, the director of the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, and a number of the administration’s employees, and in cooperation with the General…


In an atmosphere full of joy and rejoicing, the residents of housing and their families prayed Eid al-Fitr prayer at the Housing Mosque in Majmaah and the Housing Mosque in Zulfi. The General Administration of Housing presented gifts to people.


In the presence of heads of departments, the director of the General Administration of Housing, Mr. Mohammed Al-Baddah, chaired the first consultative meeting.


The Housing Services Administration updated the residents’ contracts until 2023 to ensure the quality of work.


The General Administration of Housing held several activities in Majmaah and Zulfi housing to celebrate the founding day. Several brochures were designed and signboards were installed.

2يوم التأسيس

The General Administration of Housing invited all kids to celebrate the founding day at the gym of faculty housing in Majmaah.

Day and Time:  Tuesday, Feb, 2nd, 2024, 4 p.m

Wednesday, Feb, 3nd, 2024, 4 p.m

صلاة الإستسقاء

At the directions of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, seeking rain prayer was performed in the housing prayer area both in Majmaah and Zulfi.


التبرع بالدم حملة 1.jpg

The Blood Bank Club at the Social Responsibility Observatory launched in cooperation with the General Administration of Housing, a blood donation campaign in the university housing in  Majmaah on Tuesday.

A large number of residents participated in the campaign. 

حملة التبرع بالدم 2023

The General Administration of Housing, launched in coordination with the Friends of the Blood Bank Club a blood donation campaign on Tuesday January, 30, 2024 in the housing of faculty members.

For inquiries, contact us via email: [email protected].

سعادة الدكتور مسلم

The General Administration of Housing received thanks from the Vice Rector for Development and Investment, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, in recognition of its efforts in the Saudi and International Volunteer Day 2023. He motivates the Administration to exert more efforts in serving students and…

الإجتماع التشاوري 1

The director of the General Administration, Mr. Muhammad Al-Baddah chaired the consultative meeting on Wednesday in the presence of heads of departments.


The General Administration of Housing held a program entitled (Safety Basics and Evacuation Drills). The 2-day course targeted the housing residents.



As part of its efforts to empower the volunteer work, MU held the annual celebration on the Saudi and International Volunteer Day 2023 to honor individuals and entities that voluteer at the university.


The General Administration of Housing celebrated the International Volunteer Day on December 5 at the housing of faculty members in Majmaah and Zulfi by holding several activities and initiatives and sending emails to residents.