News Archive

Based on the university’s plan to stop using rented buildings, the Directorate of Facilities and Housing handed over the building of First Common Year on Thursday to the owner after it moved to the new campus.
The manager of facilities and housing thanked the owner for his cooperation.

The directorate of facilities and housing has participated in the program organized by the Walker Association of Zulfi, which is part of the interest of the directorate in community programs in line with the interests of the University.

On Monday, the Directorate of Occupational Health and Environment conducted a training a field training on safety measures for staff of the Directorate of Facilities and Housing in Zulfi.

As part of the plans set by the General Administration for Facilities and Housing, a lecture entitled “Multiple Sclerosis” was held for staff of housing services (management of housing, university security, operation and maintenance) in cooperation with the Medical Services.

A visit was paid by the supervisor of female campus to Zulfi colleges ( College of Science, College of Education and College of Dentistry) as part of the plan set by the General Administration of Facilities and Housing which aims to maintain all facilities of the university.

A visit was paid by the Supervisor of Female Campus to the College of Science and Humanities in Remah to inspect the facilities of all buildings.

On the occasion of the national day celebration 89th, a wide-range of different activities were held at the university housing in Majmaah and Zulfi for kids such as contest and national chanting.

On the occasion of the national day 89th for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, contents and activities will be held for children in the faculty housing of Majmaah and Zulfi on Wednesday at 4 pm.

The Vice-Rector welcomed his office the Director of Housing Department to discuss the Facilities and Housing Department’s plan of finalizing the procedures handing on the vacant apartments to faculty members by the new academic year.

The Department of Finance at the General Department of Facilities and Housing audited electricity bills of contract employees during May and June. The bills’ details will be keyed in the system of student affairs for deduction.

As part of its social responsibly during Ramadan to strengthen the bond of love among staff, MU represented by the General Department of Facilities and Housing presented Ramadan gift baskets to residents and staff in the main campuses of Majmaah and Zulfi.

Headed by the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, the Committee of Faculty Housing thanked the General Department of Facilities and Housing for the detailed report of electricity consumption.
The Director of the Department extended the Vice-Rector for his support and follow-up.

The Coordinator of Facilities and Housing in Zulfi paid an inspection visit to female campus at the College of Science in Zulfi.

The Coordinator of Female Campus visited the Colleges of Applied Medical Science and Medicine as part of the plan of the General Department of Facilities and Housing to maintain the buildings and all facilities of the university.

The General Department of Facilities and Housing has won the Silver Level in MU Rector Award for Quality and Excellence for the year 1439/1440 AH. The awards were handed during the annual ceremony held under the patronage of MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren.

The General Department of Facilities and Housing has received a letter of appreciation from the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, in recognition of its efforts in preparing the detailed report of electricity consumption.

The General Department of Facilities and Housing received a letter of appreciation from the Vice-Rector for Female Student Affairs for winning the second place in community service category of MU Award.

In the MU Award for Community Service at the employee level, Mr. Mohammed Al-Subeit has won the third place.
Mr. Al-Subeit extended his thanks to MU Rector and vice-rectors for their efforts to hold this award.

In collaboration with the General Department of Occupational Health and Environment, the General Department of Facilities and Housing has participated in the Environmental Week by holding several activities including the recycling of damaged heaters that are used for Irrigation of trees with…

The General Department of Facilities and Housing has won the second place in MU Award for Community Services during the year 1439/1440. The prize was received during the graduation ceremony of 10th batch patronized by Riyadh Governor Prince Faisal bin Bander.