A Meeting with His Excellency the Faculty vice President for Educational Affairs


The Faculty vice Dean of Business Administration for Educational Affairs Mr. Fares Saleh Alfares says: our hearts are open to our students before our doors, and he calls on in his discussion (with the website of Faculty of Business Administration) all students to participate in the student activities and benefit from the student activities the faculty offers provided that this will not affect their study stressing the deep and considerable concern with new students

in order to familiarize them with their rights and duties

. He gave the students 10 recommendations before examinations

 The University Rector and the University vice PREsident for Educational Affairs are so concerned and keen on inspecting the examinations and workflow

the Dean of Faculty of Business Administration gives directives on holding periodical meetings with new students to familiarize them with their rights and duties

the program of teaching Qur’an is a new idea in the local academic field has achieved success and received compliments from the university leaders; there is a necessity of involving fresh blood in the student activities committees, and they receive great support form Deanship of Student Affairs; the varied activity inside the university is a chance for a student to invest in their time. We seek to develop a number of work procedures and we convert to electronic work. We welcome you to this dialogue a guest on the website pages “Faculty of Business Administration”. Welcome you all my dear colleagues, and I thank you for honoring me with your visit for this meeting, and I hope I present what a reader would benefit from, and I apologize about anything I do not give a right answer for. You have been known for great ethics and high reputation through dealing with other students; how to achieve this in the light of the saying “ّIt is hard to please everyone”? What you mentioned this, my dear brother, in your question is a good thought of you, and it is an exaggeration I do not deserve, but I am trying to get something. In fact, the dear students were well-mannered and well-behaved so they force to respect them. If it is a behavior and a way I follow in treating my dear students, then this is a brotherly treatment from an older brother to his younger ones for their own good and out of concern. I always seek as much as possible to achieve a slogan that I always remind myself with from time to time that is “Smile: In front of you is a student”, and I add to it: “Smile; in front of you is a guest”. In fact, this is a religious command our religion ordered us “Your smile to your brother is a charity”. Even though a human being goes through some difficult circumstances in which they cannot ، keep a smile on; thus we ask Allah for foreignness first, then we ask our students to forgive us in the event we offended them. We witnessed a lot of concern from your side for new students through holding periodical meetings with them at the start of every academic semester, what is the purpose for such meetings? It is undeniable that transferring from high school to university is a very sensitive and curtail stage in the life of a student, and it is a turning point in his life, relationships and in every aspect of his life. The is what concerns us, and with the directives by his excellency the Dean of the faculty and support from colleagues in the scientific departments we are going to assist new students to overcome the difficulties and challenges of this phase of their life. The faculty vice Deanship for Educational Affairs is always of help for new students any time. Although at the start of every semester we focus on the new students to familiarize them with academic system in a very simple manner, the most prominent units that are related to students directly, the most common discrepancies between university life and the past stages. Shortly, the meeting with new students aim to familiarize them with their rights and duties. Do you get notified about the surprising visits his highness the University Rector makes from time to time inspect examinations flow? His highness the University Rector and his excellency the University vice President for Educational Affairs are so keen on knowing the examinations and study. In fact, the visits vary from surprising to scheduled, and the faculty is so pleased with these visits due to what we hear of praises and encouraging words and some recommendations on making things better. We would like to know about the program “Peers Education” and what it offers to students? Since the faculty believes that it is necessary to search the possible methods of helping students to overcome the obstacles they face in their academic life, and seeks to to achieve skill development “extracurricular” for students. To strengthen the concept of cooperation with united efforts and purposes, the faculty pledges to apply the new idea of peers teaching in the local academic environment even though it is surrounded by some obstacles due to the fact that it is a new idea. It requires a lot of educational efforts. All praise be to Allah, the program was a success during the first semester of implementing as well as some praises from the university leaders and number of positive messages from students, learners and users of the program. It have been noticed that the same students take part in the faculty activities and contests…What is your comment? Indeed, you asked the right question and this is what I raised with my colleague the supervisor of the student affairs unit a few days ago of the necessity of involving fresh blood in the student activities committees in general. It is not a secret that there exerted efforts at the outset of every semester by the teamwork in the student activities unit including the students who are heads and members of the student activities unit; but, in fact, we face some issues that a big number of students are not interested in joining these units as the change rate does not exceed 1 out of 10 every semester although the Deanship of sTudent Affairs supports unconditionally those who work in the student activities committees by giving them some rewards every semester by making them work some jobs at different places within the university. This answers your question, my dear brother. Ads are made on some activities; yet we find out that students do not show any interests, and we always give first priority to those who have worked before. I very much believe that the primary reason behind that as a member or participant goes back to several issues: students are not aware of the importance of how these activities are going to hone their skills that will complete the knowledge aspect of the academic lecture. The faculty has noticed through interviews competition spirit in a student whose academic transcript is full of extracurricular participations compared to those who do not participate in extracurricular activities. From this platform, allow me please to call on all my dear students to participate and contribute to the activities field no matter what their hobbies are (scouting, cultural, media or sporting) in order to benefit themselves, and fill up his free time with emphasis that such extracurricular activities should not distract students away form their study. 06/Jumada Aloula/1436 corresponding with 25/02/2015, media portal, university campus, faculties, Deanships, the university administration, you are here, home, //faculties// Faculty of Business Administration in Almajma’ah// an interview with his excellency the faculty vice Dean for educational affairs. An interview with his excellency the faculty vice Dean for educational affairs , Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting, Department of Laws, main section, homepage, about the faculty, the faculty vice Deanships, the faculty council, programs of continuing education (evening programs), administrative affairs, the faculty activities, the graduate unit in the faculty, academic calendar, the media file, press conferences, useful electronic portals, with your our faculty elevates (suggestions and Remarks), news archive, the website administration, contact us: phone no: 0164043018, ext: 3018, e-mail: cash@mu.edu.sa, primary divisions view (active division symbol), edit, last update Tuesday 17:12 13/2/1435. the number of views 224, Suleiman Alasmari, ( cameraman, Ahmad Alaqeel). the Faculty vice Dean for Educational Affairs Mr. Fares Saleh ALfares says: Our hearts are open for our students before our doors; and in his dialogue with “Faculty of Business Administration website” he calls on all the participatory students to participating in the student activities and benefit from the services the faculty offers provided that will not have effects on their study time stressing the fact that he is so much concerned with new students to familiarize them with their rights and duties. He introduced 10 recommendations before examinations. The University Rector and The University vice President for Educational Affairs are very keen to inspect the examinations and study flow. The Dean of Faculty of Business Administration commands to hold periodical meetings with new students in order to familiarize them with their rights and duties. Peers education program is a new idea in the local academic environment that has been a success and received praises from the university leaders. There is a necessity of fresh blood to be involved in the student activities, and we receive an immense amount of support from Deanship of Student Affairs. In fact, the varied activities inside the university is a great chance for students to invest in their leisure time. We seek to develop several work procedures and transfer to electronic work environment. We welcome you as a guest on the website pages of “FAculty of Business Administration”; welcome all dear colleagues, and I thank you for honoring me with this interview. I hope I can offer what benefit dear readers, and I hope they forgive me for what I do not get right. You have been known for your good ethics through dealing with students; how do you maintain this in the light of the saying: “It is hard to please everyone”. What you mentioned, my dear brother, is a good thought about me and exaggerating praise I do not deserve; but I am seeking to attain part of it. In fact, dear students with their great manners and being well-behaved force you to highly respects them. The way I treat students is the way an older brother treats his younger brother who is so concerned with their issues and keen to help them succeed in their life and overcome obstacles. I always seek as much as possible to achieve a slogan that I always remind myself with from time to another is “Smile: in front of you is a student”; and I add to it “Smile: in front of you is a guest”. In fact, this is a religious command our religion urges us to do (Your smile to .your brother is a charity) Although a human being may go through some difficult circumstances, and therefore I ask Allah to forgive me for being unable to please him all the time; then students as well. I hope they accept my apology for any inconvenience. We have witnessed that you are so much concerned with new students through holding periodical meetings with them at the outset of every academic semester, what is the purpose of these meetings? It is undoubtedly true that transferring form from high school to university is an essential phase in a student’s life and a turning point in his study, relationships, and all aspects of his life. What matters to us in the faculty with the directives of his excellency the faculty Dean and the support from colleagues in the scientific departments is to give a helping hand to elevate themselves and assist them overcome their obstacles of the new stage and its challenges. In fact, the faculty vice Deanship for educational affairs is always at the service of new students and others at any time; however, in every semester we focus more on new students to familiarize them with academic systems in a very simple manner, the most prominent units that are related to students directly, the most common discrepancies between the university life and the past life. In short, meetings with students aim to to introduce students to their rights and duties. The surprising tours his highness the University Rector makes to inspect the examinations flow, do you get notified about them in advance? His highness the University Rector and the University vice President for Educational Affairs are so concerned wan keen to inspect the examinations and study flow. The visits vary from inspecting to surprising and some scheduled visits. The faculty is so pleased with these visits due to the fact that we hear an immense amount of praises and compliments and some remarks on enhancement potentials. We would like to know about the program “Peers Education” and what it offers to students? Since the faculty believes it is necessary to search all methods of helping students to overcome any obstacles that may come in the way of their academic life. The faculty seeks to achieve skill development (extracurricular) for students and reinforce the concept of cooperation with united efforts, so the faculty pledges to implement the new idea of the program peers educational in the local academic environment even though it is surrounded by some obstacles because it is new in nature and it requires an immense amount of educational efforts. All praise be to Allah that the programs has been a success and received a big number of compliments and several positive messages from students, teachers and learners who benefited form the program. It has been noticed that the same students participate again in the faculty activities and contestants, what is your comment? Indeed, you asked the right question, and this is what I raised with my colleague, the supervisor of student activities unit a few days ago about the necessity of involving fresh blood in the student activities committees in general. It is not unknown that the exerted efforts at the outset of every academic semester by the teamwork of the student activities unit including the dear students who are the heads and members of student activities committees. In fact, we face a big problem that many students are not interested in ping student activities committees as the change percentage is from 1 to 10 although the Deanship of Student Affairs supports unconditionally those who work in the student activities committees financially with money awards every semester through student work. This exactly answers your question, my dear brother. It is always announced on new activities and student work; however, students are not interested and only the same students come to participate and first priority is given to them. I believe that the primary reason behind that is that students are not aware of the vital importance of these activities and how they hone their skills to complete the knowledge aspect of the academic lecture. Through the interviews with applicants for academic jobs, the faculty has noticed that those applicants with a great record of extracurricular activities have competition spirit compared to those who do not have anything in the activities field. Please, allow me to call on my dear students to take part to participate in these activities no matter what kind of hobbies they have (scouting, cultural, social, sporting or media) as they will benefit him abundantly and fill up their schedules provided this will not affect their study time in general. In your opinion, what is the reason behind the absent strong relationship between students and their educational environment and some do not even desire to enjoy their school day? I believe that there are many reasons; first, a student may not have a desire for participating in anything outside their classroom in addition to the fact that a student does not manage his daily schedule completely as some students come in the morning exhausted as they were up all night and they did not get enough sleep. Besides, some activities do not keep up to date with the modern technologies to attract students and help them immensely benefit from their school day as they are supposed to be. How does a student manage their time in the faculty to achieve their aspiration? A student has a lot of choices and areas to benefit from their time; they can take part in the student activities committees and participate in the activities, they can benefit from services provided in the gym in the faculty whether in the specific corner named (Reading for everyone) or by exercising and doing some sporting activities students are interested in such as billiards and ping pong. Moreover, the central library in the university is open to everyone for reading books, newspapers and browsing the internet. Students can benefit from the rest of their day by joining some activities in the sporting hall in Deanship of Student Affairs in Faculty of Community in the evening. Also, there are Deanship of Student Affairs programs and activities they can get involved in. There is one fascinating in hate university is the big number of meetings, seminars and lectures held constantly that would be of help for students. What is the role of the faculty vice Deanship in familiarizing students with their rights? Electronic screens, mobile advertisements boards are always changed that carry specific messages about students rights. The university is currently working on establishing a specialized unit that is in charge of students rights, and students will find the faculty vice Deanship page on the website several educational information related to their rights and duties. Towards what your aspirations are directed in the next years through the vice Deanship for educational affairs? With the power of Allah and with my colleagues in the faculty vice deanship for educational affairs we seek to develop several working procedures related to students and transferring, if possible, the procedures to electronic procedures, printing out some pamphlets for students, and updating the available ones. We also seek to keep up with the faculty aspirations God willing. A message you would like to convey to students as the final examinations are around the corner. I ask Allah to guide our dear students and help them pass all their tests with high grades. Allow me to give them some recommendations; first: fear Allah and this is the advice of all times and it is the reason of receiving more blessings and happiness from Allah. Allah says: “Fear Allah and Allah will bestow knowledge upon you”. Second: students must invest in these days to review the curriculums a second time, and I advise every student to make a daily schedule that includes specific study hours from the start until the end of the day, and the start could be 4:00 pm and the end 10:00pm so a student will have 6 hours. For each hour, a student should define some pages from a text-book to decide what he should finish. Hopefully, students will find the fruit of this as long as they are serious and away from any distracting devices like smart phones and laptops as they will absolutely make them busy. Third, outlining and taking notes while studying is very essential “before the start of examinations” as it helps recall information very well as it is impossible for students to retain all details if they do not have the general concepts of the subject. Forth: take enough sleep on the day before the test, and do not stay up all night so you come to college very worn-out, and you will not be able to recall what you have studied. Take your breakfast or any sweeten drink as it helps the brain to recall information. We in the faculty feel very sad about some cases of students who did not pay attention to their health and pass out. Sixth: the faculty trust students; but the instructions state that students are not allowed to bring in their cell phone to examinations halls. Seventh: students must bring their university ID cards for every test as students will not be allowed to sit for examinations unless they bring it. Eighth: students are advised to come some time prior to examinations not to be late for any test as students are not allowed to get into examination hall after half an hour. Ninth: I hope my dear students print out their academic schedule from the academic system portal and make sure of their section number not to get confused before examinations start. This is very important as those will not attend to their sections will be marked absent and this is very recurrent in the general courses every semester. Tenth: students must make sure of the date and time of the exam and the number of the hall specified for the test. What are the communication means between students and the faculty? Hearts are open to them before doors to meet their needs, and office hours are of students possession to communicate with their teachers. We are also pleased to communicate with students via e-mails, twitter, watts', blackberry as well as Instigram. Last word to conclude this speech: I thank you for your visit, and I hope I did well and benefitted students and we will have meetings in the future God willing


Last modified
Friday, 27/February/2015