Bunch of New E-Services


17 E-service  and 3 integrated portals

   His Excellency, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs,  Inaugurated the second edition of the e-service portal e.mu.edu.sa , which provides the employees of the university with more than 17 e- service and more than 3 integrated e-portals, where it is developed in the Deanship of Information Technology at the University by the exerted efforts of the software team.

 The following is a  list of  the most important e- services.


Development of E-Services Portal

E- Services  Portal has been developed by  Software Unit Team  in the Deanship of Information Technology, where the team  worked  on programming this E-Portal with the-state-of-art Web technologies to  launch these e-services very soon for all employees of the university.


 Admission and Registration Portal at the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education

E-Portal has been developed,  Fast and flexible,  to accept male and female students in programs of diploma and Bridging, which are provided by the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education, where eight thousand students have been received since the announcement has been made for these programs. Besides,  notification of the decision of acceptance  will be updated  through messages to the students' mobile phones.



 Unified Registration System

All the used systems have been linked  inside and outside the e- services portal with Unified Registration System , easier for the recipient to access e-mail  and e-services portal , access to his personal computer and  Internet with a user name and one password.  Thus, this service indicates the great development accomplished by the Deanship of Information Technology in the field of its work on the latest standards to provide its services.



Deanship of Quality Programs Service and Skills Development

 Flexibly,  The Software Team has developed a system that enables the  Deanship of Quality and Skills Development of immediate announcement of training programs . This system allows  to receive applications from faculty members and employees, where they are notified immediately about the  result of the application by mobile phone and e-mail.


University Transportation Portal

Advanced system allows female students to register in the university shuttle service. Thus, female students can choose the closest route and distribution of them to the drivers as the system records  attendance  in buses and sends a short message to the guardian upon lateness or  changing the bus or absence of the student



First International Conference Wesite of the University of Majmaah conf.mu.edu.sa


One of the most important achievements of the University of Majmaah is holding the First International Conference  of the University of Majmaah, where a developed Wesite  has been accomplished on the purpose of serving this Conference flexibly together with  a control panel which enabled the team of the conference to monitor all the information and requests that were sent by the participants in this conference


   Uniform Resource Locator ( URL) shortening Website  mu.sa

E-Services of the University of Majmaah has extended  to the governmental  parties, where  a Website of Uniform Resource Locator ( URL) shortening was provided with distinctive features incomparable better than the Global Uniform Resource Locator ( URL) shortening Websites For instance, . a number of visits,  the expiry date of the link, identify the visitor's country  of the link,  guideline text for the visitor before routing to the specified link. Hence,  these features prove the flexibility of Uniform Resource Locator ( URL) shortening


Emails  System

  Transmission system is one of the main systems in the  governmental  parties, where this system  has been designed  in a unique way that depends on the principle of integrated contacts , to enable the beneficiary of the service to send a text message or an e-email to the concerned parties at the  same time and with the same options. The beneficiary receives a balance of short messages automatically and be periodically renewed, where the internal parties at the university can be able to form official  groups such as "committees" and contact these committees  without  discount of the balance.


E-Models portal

 It is a smart portal which enabled all the departments and the internal parties at the university of transforming the traditional models and papers to e-models. Such an e-portal enabled  all the departments and the internal parties to view the external models and  the possibility to fill these external models upon the terms and conditions specified by the recipient party, so the application is complete and proper without a lack of information. This Portal has also provided an internal system to the university employees and students allowing them to fill out forms and send them to the party. All these forms are received and managed through an integrated control panel for each party separately.



 E-Services Portal is considered as a giant project, where the Deanship of Information Technology started in implementing it at the University of Majmaah,  in order to achieve the national plan for information technology and communications. Hence,  the University of Majmaah has been transferred from the construction phase of e-services to access phase according to the e-Government Program (Yesser).

أخر تعديل
الأحد, 10/فبراير/2013