This unit is responsible of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the college as one of the distinguished research centers that collaborate with educational and research institutions and centers and community institutions locally, regionally and globally.
Linking scientific research to the strategic goals of the college.
Providing a conducive research environment that motivate innovation and creativity skills and contribute to solving problems faced by the college and society alike.
Funding excellent scientific research, while encouraging researchers to focus on research that contributes to solving problems faced by the public and private sectors in the region.
Coordinating efforts among researchers and encouraging joint research between academic departments, which would create a creative and innovative environment conducive to excellence.
Promote the publication of research in specialized scientific journals locally and internationally
Obtaining research grants from the government and private sectors to increase the college's resources allocated to scientific research and to attend conferences and seminars.
Supporting and motivating outstanding researchers.
Automate scientific research processes in the college
Writing a periodic report on scientific research in the college.