The Social Responsibility Observatory conducts a workshop on the role of supportive workplace in achieving job satisfaction for persons with disabilities

مرصد المسؤولية الاجتماعية يقيم ورشة عمل بعنوان: (دور بيئة العمل المساندة في تحقيق الرضا الوظيفي للأشخاص للعاملين من ذوي الإعاقة)

The Social Responsibility Observatory, represented by the Special Needs Services Center, held a workshop entitled (The Role of the Supportive Work Environment in Achieving Job Satisfaction for Persons with Disabilities).

The workshop was presented by Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Saeed, a faculty member in the Department of Special Education, MU.  The workshop addressed three important topics: the concept of (disability - the supportive environment for persons with disabilities), the rights of persons with disabilities, and ways to achieve job satisfaction for persons with disabilities working.

Last modified
Thursday, 17/October/2024