Beware of Your Smartphone While Studying


The modern era has formed a creative leap for the contemporary man on the technical and cognitive level, where he is overwhelmed by sense of scientific superiority due to enormous scientific discoveries that led to his ability to relatively control the environment and overcome it to replace humans the with machines and reshape his view of himself. It was said that technology is neutral, and the negative sides resulting from its use are caused by users only, but what this report reveals, stands as a proof of the non-neutrality nature of technology, where smartphones stand as prominent example of this. As a Poll survey that was conducted on a number of students from the College of Business Administration at Majmaah University has revealed, that the use of smart phones during studying contributes to scoring low marks in the test. The students have explained that they feel mentally distracted, lack to pay attention and difficulty in studying due to using smart phones. As student Abdul Ilah Aldhom revealed "The majority of students use smartphones during studying, which has a negative impact on their level of achievement." Adding that, "We have to reduce the use of smartphones as much as possible while studying," stressing that it is a waste of his time, which he is in dire need to at this stage, despite of mental distraction. Student Abdul Karim Al-Akshan said: "that the use of smart phones has both negative and positive sides, and the negative sides represented in the student occupancy of issues unrelated to his study and affect his mood, especially since these phones have made the world a small village and it is sometimes difficult not to be influenced by what is happening here and there.” Also, he said: "For me, I try as much as possible to turn off the smart phone during studying," emphasizing that it stems from self-censorship he is imposing on himself. On the other hand, Abdullah Al-Raidan, Musab al-Sharif and Abdulrahman Alahedeb all confirmed that ignoring these devices is one of the difficulties they face in times of studying. They added that the use of smart phones while studying is one of the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results in the test, as their use would decrease the level of comprehending and their ability to focus. In the same vein, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Business Administration, Mr. Faris bin Saleh Al-Fares asserted in an earlier statement: "Student must be careful and put away all distraction resources, including means of communication and smart devices of all kinds because they must occupy some space in the mind of the student

Last modified
Wednesday, 04/March/2015