- Developing social responsibility programs by proposing development initiatives based on observing and following up in integration with the university's departments and in line with its strategic vision.

- Observing the social responsibility activities implemented by the university for evaluation purposes according to specific standards.

- Documenting successful experiences and best practices in social responsibility in various fields.

- Creating a database for social responsibility that includes all experts, researchers, academics and advocates of social responsibility.

- Proposing financial, administrative and regulatory guidelines for social responsibility institutions.

- Observing all events, conferences and seminars related to social responsibility and engaging everyone to participate in them. 

- Adopting in-depth studies on responsibility from all its aspects, in coordination with the relevant departments in the university.

- Proposing academic, professional and educational development programs.

- Activating conferences, seminars, lectures and workshops in coordination with the relevant authorities in the university.

- Undertaking any other tasks assigned to the department in its field of specialization.