About the Deanship


 The Emergence of the Deanship

The Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education was established in the month of Shaban 1431H, out of the attention of the Ministry of Higher Education to expand the university education in all regions of the Kingdom, and increase the chances of male and female students admission vital disciplines compatible with the development plans and keep up with the needs of the labor market area; to expand services submitted to cover groups of other community, and closer ties between the university and community members. The higher education institutions in our country play an important role in the development of community capacity and expand its knowledge through the dissemination of science and knowledge to achieve great successes of development and development sponsored by the skills of individuals and their development intellectually and prepare them for work to contribute effectively in the development of their communities and achieve their ambitions.

In accordance to the desire of the university to actively participate in community service by providing opportunities for all segments of society by providing them with some skills, professions and the information that will help them to get the job opportunities suitable for those who are looking for jobs, or benefit from using such skills in public life or who have the desire and ambition to practice a particular profession. So the University had to establish a deanship for Community Service & Continuing Education required to oversee the preparation of diplomas, training programs, courses and to follow up their implementation. In addition, the deanship have to oversee the organization of current students and former graduates.