News Archive

كلية التمريض تقيم فعاليات يوم التأسيس

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr.

أعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية التمريض يشاركون في معرض جامعة المجمعة للأبحاث المتميزة 2024

Faculty members of the College of Nursing participated in the 2024 Majmaah University Outstanding Research Exhibition.

كلية التمريض تهنئ الدكتورة شريفة العسيري بمناسبة ترقيتها إلى أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, the Dean of the College of Nursing, along with the college staff, extended their congratulations to Dr. Shereefa Al-Asiri, the Vice Dean for the Female Section, on her promotion to the post of Associate Professor.

كلية التمريض تقيم ورشة عمل حول مدونة قواعد السلوك وأخلاقيات الوظيفة العامة بالتعاون مع الإدارة العامة للتطوير التنظيمي

The College of Nursing organized a workshop for admin staff entitled (Introducing the Code of Conduct and Ethics of Public Service), in cooperation with the General Administration of Organizational Development. The workshop was presented by Mr.

أعضاء هيئة التدريس وطلاب كلية التمريض يزورون مركز بحوث الكليات الصحية والأساسية

The college organized a scientific visit to the Health and Basic Colleges Research Center to introduce faculty members and students of the college about its research capacities and the services it provides to support the scientific research.The visit featured a comprehensive introductory tour of…

كلية التمريض تدشن نادي التمريض

The College of Nursing held a ceremony to launch the "Nursing Club" in the presence of the college's leadership, staff, and students. The Club aims to develop students' professional skills. The event featured several booths where students presented the statistics of the programs and events…

كلية التمريض تنظم فعالية "حي الشتاء"

The College of Nursing organized an outdoor event for its staff in the yard of the student building to enhance communication among the staff. The event was held in the presence of the director of the General Administration of Performance and Compliance, Mr.

وكيلة كلية التمريض لشطر الطالبات تلتقي بموظفات الكلية

The Vice Dean of the College of Nursing for Female Students, Dr.

كلية التمريض تنظم لقاءً لطلاب وطالبات برنامج التجسير

The College of Nursing organized a meeting for students of the Bridging Program 'Tajseer' to discuss the program's objectives and introduce the students to the academic and professional development opportunities.The meeting addressed importance of the Program in qualifying health practitioners to

ختام الدورة التأهيلية لطلاب وطالبات الامتياز بكلية التمريض

The qualifying course for internship students at the College of Nursing came to an end. The program aims to  prepare the students to pass the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties exam.

طالبات كلية التمريض في زيارة لمكتبة جامعة المجمعة المركزية

A group of students from the College of Nursing visited the University Central Library as part of the Library Week activities for the year 1446.

كلية التمريض تنظم هاكاثون الابتكار الصحي 2025

Under the patronage of the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof.

مركز سالك وكلية التمريض ينظمان محاضرة توعوية لعزيز السلامة المرورية

In cooperation with the Support Services Department at the College of Nursing, the Traffic Safety Center "Salik" held an awareness lecture to educate students about the traffic safety. The lecture was presented by Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Otaibi and Ms.

الجمعية السعودية الخيرية لمرض ألزهايمر تكرم كلية التمريض

The Saudi Alzheimer's Disease Charitable Association honored the College of Nursing for its exceptional role in the campaign which was held on the World Alzheimer's Month in September 2024.

كلية التمريض تحتفل بحصول برنامج "ماجستير الإدارة والقيادة في التمريض" على الاعتماد البرامجي الوطني الكامل

The College of Nursing held a celebration as the Master of Nursing Management and Leadership Program earned the full national program accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.

كلية التمريض تدشن المكتب الارتباطي للجمعية السعودية للتمريض المهني

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Ashwaq Asiri, the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs and Development, Dr.

وفد من كلية التمريض بقيادة عميد الكلية يشارك في ملتقى يوم البحث العلمي

A delegation from the College of Nursing, headed by the Dean of the College, Dr.