Under the patronage of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Fawzan, and in the honorary presence of Sheikh Saad al-Shithri, a member of the country's Council of Senior Scholars and an advisor to the royal court, and the presence of Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, MU rector, the first scientific meeting was held by Sheikh Al-Fawzan Research Chair for Inheritance.

A presentation about the research chair and its goals was given by the supervisor of the Chair, Dr. Sultan Al-Tuwalah, who said that there will be focus on scientific research and studies, seminars and workshops related to inheritance.

In his statement in the meeting, Dr. Al-Shithri, highlighted the importance of this area of research and its role in solving problems concerning the society.

Supporting such research chairs, Dr. Al-Shithri added that this field needs further attention, hoping this chair will be just the beginning of further works in the future.

Dr. Al-Shithri concluded his talk by answering questions and commending the sponsor of this chair for the generous fund as well as the University for holding this event.

MU rector, Prof. Al-Mizil, who assured everyone that this Chair will contribute in coming up with solutions to inheritance cases, thanked Dr. Al-Shithri and Sheikh Al-Fawzan for being part of this success.

The vice-rector for graduate studies and scientific research, Prof. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, also talked about the importance of this chair and the expected outcomes and achievements, calling on all businessmen, experts and corporates, both in public and private sectors, to visit MU and learn further about the chair.

Memorial shields were presented on this occasion by MU rector to Dr. Al-Shithri and Sheikh Al-Fawzan.  

Last modified
Wednesday, 29/December/2021