Educational Dimensions of Using the Internet and Watching TV

Educational Dimensions of Using the Internet and Watching TV

Date: Thursday 3\2\1438 AH, 1 P.M. Location: Room 91. Target Audience: Students. Attendants count: 37, according to the attendance report at the Unit of Counseling and Guidance. Presenter: Dr. Majdah Husam Aldien, lecturer in the Educational Sciences Department. Documentation: Pictures are available at the Media Department. Objectives: 1- Raising the awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet 2- Informing the students about the hidden objectives of some materials on television. 3- Addressing students to make use of the innovative mass media and avoid its disadvantages. 1- The trainer played a video of Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud talking about the types of addiction; including the Internet addiction. 2- She demonstrated the defects of using internet-connected cell phones in isolation for long times. 3- She also shed the lights on the useful TV shows; such as sports and documentaries about other cultures (different food, lifestyles and places). 4- Students were also warned of watching indecent serials. 5- Finally, the trainer clarified the advantages of good use of the internet and television. The lecture was supervised by the Unit of Counseling and Guidance.



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Sunday, 28/June/2020