“Flashes of Happiness” a training session prepared and presented by Dr. Fawzia Abdelsamie Al-Mughrabi. Date: Sunday 27/2/1438 AH. Location: Zulfi College of Education, annexed building, Arabic Department, Hall 30. Target group: female students. Objectives: the session aimed to answer the following questions; 1. what is happiness? 2. How to be happy? 3. What are the six healing sufficient elements of happiness? The session was held as a panel discussion about the concept of happiness. It revolved around the most important things that bring us happiness; which include our religion, knowledge, wealth, chivalry, forgiveness and well-being. Furthermore, happiness lies in two places: a contented heart and an assured-self of Allah’s judgment; then when words cannot express meanings, for sure that feeling will be happiness. For the cheapest happiness sold among sensible people; is leaving what does not concern you, and the most expensive commodity in the world; is to love and be loved by others. However, beware of laziness, for it is death and disappointment, and don’t trouble your mind, for it is mismanagement and like poison. Finally, be polite in your sorrow and don’t shed tears lightly, gracious when in pain, for grief is like joy; a gift from Allah the Almighty. It will linger a little and return to his Lord with details of your patience..


أرخص سعادةٍ تباع في سوق العقلاء؛ ترك ما لا يعني، وأغلى سلعة عند العالم؛ أن تألف الناس ويألفوك.

"إياك والهم؛ فإنه سم،و العجز ؛ فإنه موت ، والكسل فإنه خيبة، واضطراب الرأي؛ فإنه سوء تدبير



كن مؤدباً في حزنك حامداً في دمعتك.
أنيقاً في ألمك فالحزن كما الفرح هدية من رب العباد. سيمكث قليلاً ويعود إلى ربه حاملاً معه تفاصيل صبرك

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020