Zilfi College of Education Seminar on "Mental Maps, Their Influence on Teaching and Learning

Zilfi College of Education Seminar on "Mental Maps, Their Influence on Teaching and Learning"

The Unit of Excellence at the College of Education in Zulfi organized a seminar on the effect of cognitive maps in teaching and learning. The lecture took place on Monday 13/01/1437 at 11:00 am in the College Theater. Several students and faculty members attended the lecture delivered by Dr. Mahmoud Muhammad Maabrah, the Unit Supervisor. The lecture discussed the following topics: 1- The concept of Mental maps 2- The importance of Mental maps in education 3- Benefits of Mental maps 4- Areas of using Mental maps 5- Advantages of Mental maps 6- Requirements of Mental maps 7- Mechanisms of Mental maps 8- Examples of users of Mental maps 9- Application of drawing Mental maps.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020