On the Occasion of the College Organization for the Career Day

His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khaled bin Saad al-Muqrin  received in the his Office  Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shaya and the number of the college employees, on the occasion of the organization of the Career Day by Faculty of Education in Majmaah , where Dr. Shayaa explained to His Excellency, the Rector , the Forum program and its objectives .Also, a number of the work of the girls’ students were introduced, he said that the meeting comes in the development of graduate skills in the search for a job.

 Also, and under the auspices of His Excellency,  the Rector, Dr.  Mohamed bin Abdullah Al Shaya Dean has  inaugurated the Forum of the Career Day  in the presence of a number of guests of the college.  Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shaya, Dean of the College said that this activity comes from the directions of the Rector, Dr. Khaled bin Saad al-Muqrin who motivates us a lot on this topic, such as activities that prepare a student for the labor market, we hope to achieve the goals that this forum was organized for , including the achievement of interaction between the college and employers by which graduates of the college are employed. And develop the skills of graduates in the preparation of graduates Curriculum Vitae and the definition of steps to apply for the job. And dissemination of work ethics among graduates. As well as achieving communication between graduates and some of them with employers. And  the organization of exhibitions for the labor of the students in various departments. Dean also confirmed the participation of a number of government and private sectors. It was also a attended by representatives of the Department of Education, analytics and the Chamber of Commerce in Majmaah , the Bank of Credit , the Investment Company Gareer and Abdul Latif Jameel Community Services.

أخر تعديل
الجمعة, 25/نوفمبر/2011