Mission, Vision and Objectives



The Program of Physics aims to teach physics in effective way enriching students’ knowledge, improve their research skills and collaborating with community. 


The Program of Physics aims to qualify graduates to compete in labor market, meet the sustainable development requirements and contribute to research and community service.


  • Provide students with fundamental knowledge in physics to improve their critical and quantitative thinking skills
  • Help students to learn creative and critical thinking with scientific problems and experiments. 



About the Department of Physics:

The Department of Physics is subsumed under the College of Science in Zulfi. Following the royal decree No. 9683/ dated on 8/5/1426 to establish the College of Science, the department began to welcome students on the academic year 1427 AH. Since then, the number of students, faculty members, research labs and study plans has grown. Students are awarded a degree in physics after completing successfully 137 study units.