Vision, Mission and Objectives


Building an outstanding educational environment that empowers the graduates in professional computing and contributes in development of an informatics knowledge society.



To Provide outstanding accredited academic education in preparing graduates to compete in labour market and contribute in community service and scientific research towards achieving sustainable development.



  • Teach strong foundation in mathematics and basic concepts of computer science and information.
  • Lay the foundation for scientific research.
  • Equip graduates knowledge and skills to communicate and work effectively within multi-disciplinary team
  • Encourage graduates to follow appropriate practices within a professional, legal, and ethical responsibility.
  • Provide graduates with efficient capabilities for information manipulation continuous self-learning.



  • Awareness of the broad applicability of Computing.
  • Communication and Organization Skills.
  • Professional Responsibility.
  • Continuous self-learning.
  • Integrated knowledge for National sustainable development.


About the CSI Department

The Department of Computer Science and Information was established in the ‎academic ‎year 1427/1428 h, at the same time when the faculty of science ‎in Zulfi was established to meet ‎the needs of different sectors in the Kingdom and ‎develop qualified ‎experts in the relevant fields. The Department seeks to qualify the students as ‎specialists in the field of computer science in terms of study and ‎analysis of the computer system and ‎methods of its construction. Students are equipped with experience in using software ‎tools such as operating systems, ‎various programming languages and computer ‎networks. A comprehensive curriculum has been designed to provide ‎ necessary ‎skills to the students for their proficiency in this field. The ‎department staff is continuously ‎working for updating the B.Sc. program and revising its curriculum in accordance with the latest ‎technologies in computer ‎science and the fast changing needs of the society.