News Archive

مهارات التطوير المستقبلية

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Alumni Affairs Unit, organized, in collaboration with the Department of Physics, a training course for potential graduates titled: "Future Development Skills for Science College Graduates." The course was presented

ابدأ طريقي بثقة نحو المستقبل

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Alumni Affairs Unit, held in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics, a workshop entitled (Start your path with confidence towards the future). The workshop was presented by Dr.

الارشاد الأكاديمي

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Guidance, Counseling and Student Rights Unit, held, in cooperation with the Biology Department, a training course entitled “Basics of Academic Guidance and the Student Portal”.The course was presented by Ms.

لقاءً بالطلاب المتوقع تخرجهم

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Alumni Affairs Unit, held a meeting with students expected to graduate. The meeting was moderated by Mr.

علوم الرياضيات في الاستثمار المالي

The Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, represented by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, organized, in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics, a workshop entitled "Mathematical Sciences in Financial Investment".The was presented by Ms.

ملتقى التميز والإرشاد الأكاديمي

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Guidance, Counseling and Student Rights Unit held, in cooperation with the academic departments, a meeting entitled “Excellence and Academic Advising Forum”. The meeting was presented by Dr.

وحدة شؤون الخريجين

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Alumni Affairs Unit, held a meeting headed by Mr. Mohammad Al-Humaidan, Head of the Unit, and attended by members of the Unit. During the meeting, several topics were discussed, including the preparation of an…

ملتقى الخريجات

The Alumni Affairs Unit held a meeting between potential graduates and Ms. Mona Al-Shallash, a coordinator of the female students' section.

البرنامج الاثرائي للموهوبين المشاركين في برنامج موهبة للفضاء والفلك

The Volunteer and Community Service Unit organized, in cooperation with the Physics Department, an enrichment program for talented students who will participate in the Mawhiba Program for (Space Science and Astronomy). The program was presented by Dr.

قياس نواتج التعلم

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit, conducted, in cooperation with the Chemistry Department, a workshop entitled: Measuring Learning Outcomes in the College of Science Programs. The workshop was

بناء تقارير وتواصيف مقررات

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit, held, in cooperation with the Mathematics Department, a workshop entitled: Building reports and course descriptions for the College of Science.The workshop was…

الابتكار المستدام في الكيمياء

The Vice-Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, represented by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, organized, in cooperation with the Department of Industrial Chemistry, a workshop entitled: Sustainable Innovation in Chemistry.The workshop was presented by Dr.

وحدة الاعتماد الأكاديمي وضمان الجودة

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit, held its 8th meeting. Headed by the head of the Unit, Dr.

وحدة التطوع وخدمة المجتمع تقيم دورة تدريبية بعنوان منصة الأوفرليف واللاتيكس

The Vice-Dean's Office, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit organized, in cooperation with the Mathematics Department a training course about the Overleaf and LaTeX platform.The course was presented by Ms. Basma Al-Mutairi, and introduced how to use Overleaf effectively,…

مفهوم المهارات الناعمة

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Alumni Affairs Unit held, in cooperation with the Computer and Information Department, a training course for potential graduate entitled "The Concept of Soft Skills for Graduates of the College of Science".The cour

أمن وسلامة المعامل

The Vice-Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, represented by the Laboratories and Information Technology Unit, held, in cooperation with the Biology Department, a workshop entitled: “Laboratory Safety and Security”.The workshop was presented by two students: Saud Al-Sah

وحدة الحقوق الطلابية

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Student Rights Unit, held its third periodic meeting during the academic year 1446. The meeting was headed by the Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs and Development, Dr.

منصة تيد

The Knowledge Resources Unit, conducted, in cooperation with the Mathematics Department, a training course for students entitled “Science Courses on the TED Platform for Self-Learning,”. The course was presented by Dr.

منصه edx

The Knowledge Resources Unit held, in cooperation with the Computer and Information Department, a training course for students entitled "Science Courses on the EdX Platform". The course was presented by Ms.

إدارة الوقت

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, represented by the Student Science Club, organized in cooperation with the Chemistry Department a lecture entitled "Time Management".The course was presented by Dr.