The Volunteer and Community Service Unit holds a training course entitled “Overleaf and Latex Platform”

وحدة التطوع وخدمة المجتمع تقيم دورة تدريبية بعنوان منصة الأوفرليف واللاتيكس

The Vice-Dean's Office, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit organized, in cooperation with the Mathematics Department a training course about the Overleaf and LaTeX platform.

The course was presented by Ms. Basma Al-Mutairi, and introduced how to use Overleaf effectively, including basic and advanced features for student, researcher or academic. The LaTeX language was also introduced and how to use it. The Overleaf platform's interface was also introduced and how to write symbols and mathematical equations in LaTeX as well as arranging tables and inserting images in academic research, dissertation and presentations along with references.

Last modified
Thursday, 05/December/2024