College of Engineering Students Workshop On Qiyas GAT
The College of Engineering hosted the first workshop on the General Aptitude Test to introduce students to application procedures as well as for psychological and scientific preparation. The workshop, which took place on Tuesday 20/6/1437 in the college engineering clubs room, is part of a series of workshops to be organized on the matter. 70 students from different departments took part in the workshop conducted by Dr. Tarek Nabil, head of the students activities unit, who lectured on the importance of the test for engineering students to guarantee quality and improve the learning outcomes expected in engineering specialties. The test is also important in terms of developing the skills and general aptitudes of college students as these skills are classified among the most important professional requirements, and fundamentals of career success. Dr. Said Abbas explained then the registration procedure where in fact more than 70 students enrolled electronically in the category of engineering tests and which they found by logging in the website of the National Center for Assessment and Evaluation. In this regard, the administration of the college communicated with the NCAE test coordinator and fixed the engineering test, which will be conducted on 12-13/7/1437 AH. 120 Students from the college of engineering will sit for the test in the following disciplines: 1. Civil Engineering and Environment. 2. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 3. Electrical Engineering. 4. Computer Science and Network Engineering. The college administration planned the second workshop to be conducted on 20/6/1437 AH and announced three more workshops to introduce students to question types and answering strategies. The college will also manage mock tests to prepare students psychologically to sit for the Engineering GAT