Scholarship-Student Al-Falih delivers a Lecture in Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition

The Scholarship-Student at the College of Science in Zulfi, Falih Al-Falih, presented a lecture “ Blood Parasites infecting Falcons and their Pathogenic effects”, as part of the associated scientific lectures of the 2nd Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition in Riyadh.
The exhibition held from the period 11-15 October, 2019 was organized by the Saudi Falcons Club.
One of the lecture’s objectives is to identify the types of parasites hawks in general and blood parasites that affect them in particular. The life cycle of these parasites were also explained in the lecture.
The effect of parasite on owners’ cells and tissues as well as the pathological effects were highlighted along with preventive solutions and therapeutic methods.
Mr. Al-Falih extended his thanks to MU Rector and the Dean of Science College for their unlimited support to scholarship-students.

Last modified
Tuesday, 05/November/2019