Emergency response and evacuation team conducts a readiness test

اختبار جاهزية فريق الاخلاء والطوارئ بكلية الهندسة

Under the supervision of the Vice-Dean's Office for Development and Quality, the Occupational Health and Safety Unit at the College of Engineering tested the readiness of the evacuation and emergency team at the college -  an act which takes place at the beginning of each semester.

The process of testing the team's readiness to carry out emergency evacuation and ambulance operations on the buildings was conducted on Thursday. 

Dr. Yahya Al-Jahmani, head of the unit, accompanied the team and ensured that all members are ready for the evacuation and emergency are aware of: 

The assembly point during emergency.

Duties of each member of the emergency evacuation team.

Locations of emergency exits for the College of Engineering buildings.





Last modified
Monday, 15/February/2021