Procedural guide for postgraduate student transactions | Image
Officials Forms for Graduate Studies
Procedural Guide for Scientific Theses. |
1.Application form for postponing admission for postgraduate students, Form [01-56] |
2.Postponement of study request for postgraduate students, Form[02-56] |
3.Request to delete one or more courses in the semester, Form[03-56] |
4.Additional GPA Request Form, Form[04-56] |
5.Application form for granting an additional opportunity for those who did not obtain the degree within the maximum limit, Form[05-56] |
6.Postgraduate Withdrawal Application, Form[06-56] |
7.Postgraduate Progress Report , Form[07-56] |
8.Specialization rate calculation form, Form[08-56] |
9.Appointment of Scientific Supervisor, Form[09-56] |
10.Quarterly report of the thesis supervisor, Form[10-56] |
11.Form of a request to form a discussion committee, Form[11-56] |
12.Sample report of a discussion committee member on the validity of the thesis for discussion, Form[12-56] |
13.Form for requesting a discussion appointment, Form[13-56] |
14.Sample report of the discussion committee on the thesis submitted for a master's degree, Form[14-56] |
15.Form for making amendments to the thesis, Form[15-56] |
16.Application for Depositing a Thesis to Obtain a Graduation Document for a Master's Degree, Form[16-56] |
17.Affidavit of completion of graduation requirements, Form[17-56] |
18.Postgraduate students release request form, Form[18-56] |
19.Biography of a member of the discussion committee with the rank of assistant professor from within the university, Form[19-56] |
20.Sample CV of the supervisor or discussant from outside the university, Form[20-56] |
21.Defense Presentation Introduction, form [21-56] |
22.Thesis Rubrics, Form[22-56] |
23.Defense Presentation Conclusion, Form[23-56] |
24.Thesis Defense Report, Form[24-56] |
25.Sample request for study supervision for a master’s thesis, Form[25-56] |
26.Student Progress Report – Master Research Proposal , Form[26-56] |
27.Certificate of completion (thesis supervisor, discussants) in paid master’s programs, Form[27-56] |