Students Activities Unit

About the Unit:

The Unit of Student Activities and Rights specializes in the organization of extracurricular activities in the college such as trips, theater, general knowledge contests and exhibitions inside and outside the college. The Unit specializes also in supporting students' rights in compliance with the regulations and laws applied in the university. Moreover, it works to promote the culture of justice among students and provide them with necessary advice and clarifications on their academic rights and the way to enjoy them through legal channels. Administrative Affiliation: The unit is attached to the College of Applied Medical Sciences Vice deanship for student affairs. Vision: Excellence in supporting students' skills and rights.

Unit Tasks:

1. Preparing the plan of student activities.

2. Organizing extracurricular activities in the college.

3. Supporting students' rights by providing necessary advice and clarifications.

4. Supervising the college orientation week events.

5. Coordinating with competent college units in all matters.

6. Following up the update of the college website in what regards the Unit.

Unit Members:


Member Name                                                


Contact Number       



Mr. Majed Abdullah Saad Alsalboud

Head of the Unit


[email protected]