جامعة المجمعة

جامعة المجمعة

جامعة المجمعة

The Deanship of Student Affairs at MU organized the first cycling championship for students under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, and in the presence of vice-rectors, deans, and staff from the Ministry of Sports clubs and offices. The event was a wonderful sporting occasion to promote diversity in sporting activities in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030. 

Partners whose contributions made this event successful were honored at the end of the race. Students who won the race were also awarded and they are: Isaq Ibrahim (10th place), Bbukhari Muslim, (9th place), Ahmed Al-Hamad (8th place), Saeed Al-Shahrani (7th place), Omar Dego (6th place), Nadiho Yassin (5th place), Meshal Al-Buqmi (4th place), Abdelhadi Al-Hakami (3rd place), Abdelrasheed Mahmoud (2nd place), Mohammed Al-Fahayed (1st place).

Ruqayya Mustafa (10th place), Munira Al-Shayae (9th place), Fatimah Al-Ajrami (8th place), Najla Bandar(7th place), Sara Al-Duwaihy (6th place), Reem Ali (5th place), Rahaf Mahrah (4th place), Aljawhrah Al-Sulaiman (3rd place), Jawaher Al-Nooh (2nd place), Haya Al-Azimi (1st place).


The Traffic Safety Center implements a field campaign to raise awareness of the importance of seat belts

Majmaah University


Salik Traffic Safety Center conducted a field campaign at the facilities of the university's faculties and university cities with the participation of university students to raise awareness of the importance of seat belts, as part of a series of initiatives, workshops and awareness lectures held by the university through the Salik Traffic Safety Center.

For his part, the Director General of the General Administration of Services, Mr. Miteb Al-Maimuni, stated that the comprehensive awareness initiative for safe driving included the participation of university students and employees, and aims to raise awareness of the importance of the seat belt for permanent safety, in the main roads, and in the various university headquarters, where Salik Center implements the goals of spreading continuous awareness, including what was recently done about the dangers of crossing valleys in times of rain.

Al-Maimouni thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, for his continuous support for awareness and education campaigns and traffic safety programs at the university to raise awareness among our students and university employees, noting the directives of this initiative and traffic safety programs from the directives of His Excellency the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Muslim bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, to spread the importance of reducing traffic accidents in order to achieve the Kingdom's Vision 2030 program and the Quality of Life Program to reduce the percentage of traffic accidents.


The University Implements a Blood Donation Campaign in Cooperation with the Ministry of Sports



The university, represented by the Friends of the Blood Bank Club at the Social Responsibility Observatory, carried out a blood donation campaign with the Ministry of Sports at King Fahd Sports Professor in Riyadh and in conjunction with the Kingdom's National Day, in partnership with the Central Blood Bank in Riyadh, where the campaign targeted the ministry's employees and fans of the match held at King Fahd Sports Professor in Riyadh, and more than 60 donors were received, and more than 40 units of blood were provided.
On this occasion, His Excellency the Supervisor of the Social Responsibility Observatory, Dr. Faisal bin Faraj Al-Mutairi, stated that this campaign comes based on the approval of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and in line with the university's directions in opening up to society in all its components based on its social responsibility, and as a contribution to achieving the goals related to the health field, in partnership with the relevant authorities, represented by the Central Blood Bank, stressing that the university is proceeding with its plan related to its social responsibility. His Excellency Dr. Faisal Al-Mutairi also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, the partners and the university team that implemented this campaign.


Medical staff participates in the health promotion program held by the neighborhood club in Majmaah at the pedestrian track

The medical staff of the medical services at Majmaah University participated in the health promotion program held by the neighborhood club in Majmaah on the pedestrian track under the auspices of Dr. Saleh Al-Rabiah, Director of Education, and Dr. Khaled Al-Khereiji, Director of the School Sports Development and Health Promotion Department, and the program included a mobile exhibition of health promotion programs.


Medical Services provides its medical services in the Federation Cup Championship for grades in Majmaah Governorate


Within the framework of the efforts made by Majmaah University in community service and cooperation between the university's medical services and the Office of the Sports Authority in Majmaah Governorate

Medical services participated in the Federation Cycling Cup Championship in Majmaah Governorate, which was held in 3 cities within 5 days

Where a medical crew participated in the ambulance and the crew provided first aid to the contestants, followed them up and provided therapeutic services when needed for them


Deanship of Student Affairs launches the first marathon of Majmaah University


Under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and in the presence of His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, the Deanship of Student Affairs organized the Majmaah University Marathon under the slogan "My Sports, My Health is Titled", in which 180 runners from 17 teams from various agencies, colleges, deanships and departments of the university participated, and the arbitration management of a group of referees of the Saudi Athletics Federation, and His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs fired the starting shot at five o'clock in the afternoon, and at the end of the marathon, the sponsor of the ceremony honored Success partners contributing to the success of the marathon, namely the traffic of Majmaah Governorate, the General Administration of University Security, the General Administration of Public Relations and University Media, the General Administration of Services and the Medical Services Department, after which the marathon referees were honored by the sponsor of the marathon, and then the winning runners in the individuals and teams were honored, where the contestant Marwan Al-Moqbel from the College of Science won first place individually with a time of 20 minutes and 50 seconds, while Abdul Rahman Al-Jahlan from the College of Education in Zulfi came in second place with a time of 21 minutes and 22 seconds. And came third Moaz Mahmoud Zakaria from the General Administration of Facilities and Housing and came in fourth place Moaz Awad Ali from the College of Science and fifth Mohammed Al-Rabiah from the College of Dentistry and sixth Khaled Al-Awla from the College of Engineering and seventh Sultan Al-Marri from the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hotat Sudair and eighth Mohammed Omar from the Department of Grants and ninth Mohammed Al-Thubaiti from the College of Education in Majmaah and came tenth Sultan Al-Anzi from the College of Education in Zulfi and the individual awards were the gold medal and the amount of 3000 riyals for the first and the silver medal and the amount of 2000 riyals for the second and the bronze medal and the amount of 1000 for the third and from the fourth to the tenth amount of 300 The results of the teams came in third place and bronze medals Grants management team and the second and silver medals College of Engineering While the College of Education in Zulfi achieved the first place cup and gold medals At the end of the coronation, memorial photos were taken on this occasion The organization of this activity comes from the Deanship of Student Affairs' belief in the importance of sports on human health and spreading the culture of the importance of sport for health This was mentioned by the head of the Department of Sports and Scouting Activities, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanoo Who extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, for his continuous support, to His Excellency the Vice Dean for Student Activities, Dr. Shadi Al-Shuwaier, for his follow-up and guidance, and to all success partners, runners, marathon referees, and all his colleagues in the sports and scouting department for the efforts made to make the marathon a success.

The College of Business Administration achieves sixth place in the marathon organized by the Ministry of Health on the occasion of World Diabetes Day


With the aim of encouraging college students to take initiative and participate in all competitions and activities that benefit the student healthily and educationally. The College of Business Administration achieved the sixth place in the marathon organized by the Ministry of Health on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Zulfi Governorate, which was held on Monday, 21/2/1438 AH, and which was achieved by the student Moaz Awad, one of the college students.

This achievement comes through the participation of the college in the people of Zulfi, represented by the Student Activities Unit, with a number of its students in this marathon, which was organized by Al-Zulfi General Hospital on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day under the slogan "Our Eye on Diabetes", with the participation of more than 130 runners of different ages and the contribution of government agencies, namely Al-Zulfi Municipality, the Office of the Sports Authority, the Education Department, the Traffic Division, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a number of private companies and institutions contributing to the activities of World Diabetes Day. With the aim of educating the attention of community members to the seriousness of the disease and the importance of the role of sports activity in combating it, in addition to the importance of adhering to healthy eating habits.

From this standpoint, His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Saad bin Muhammad Al-Fulaih, thanked the Head of the Student Activities Unit, Mr. Mishaal Al-Daham, for his efforts in achieving this unprecedented achievement at the level of participation in the external forums of the college, which contributes to the development of students behaviorally, cognitively and emotionally and the establishment of a generation that believes in work and social responsibility, and has the ability to develop itself and its talents.


University Students Visit Patients at King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah

Based on the keenness of the Deanship of Student Affairs to activate student social activity, and to contribute to spreading the culture of social communication with members of society, the Deanship of Student Affairs visited King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah with university students to greet patients and check on their health condition. Where the delegation was received by Mr. Muhammad Al-Rabiah, Head of the Public Relations Department at King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah, who welcomed this initiative, and some patients were visited in various departments, and the students presented a gift to each patient, and the delegation was accompanied by the supervisors of cultural and social activity at the Deanship. His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, stressed that this initiative aims to develop social communication between university students and the community, to activate volunteer activities and programs, to link students to their community, and to qualify them to provide useful services to their country.


Visit to Zulfi Hospital

The students of the College of Science in Zulfi, represented by Student Affairs and the Student Activities Unit, visited Al-Zulfi General Hospital and were received by the Director of Public Relations at the hospital, Mr. Obaidullah Hamad Al-Harbi, and toured the hospital departments, and after that a visit was made to the inpatients and the college provided a simple gift to each patient, and then memorial photos were taken in the hospital lobby



جامعة المجمعة

جامعة المجمعة

Prof. Saleh al-Mezal, MU's rector, visited the university’s booth in the Riyadh International Book Fair 2023 to oversee its contents. Welcomed by the staff in the booth, the rector commended the efforts exerted by the university's booth to welcome visitors. 

The Publishing and Translation Center at the Vice-Rector's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, MU, participated in the Riyadh International Book Fair 2023, held during the period from September 28 to October 7. The university faculty members' scientific production were showcased and sold. More than 1,800 publishing houses from 32 countries participated in the book fair along with hosting seminars for a group of writers.



تخرج 1

Under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, and in the presence of the vice-rector for students affairs, Dr. Jawaher Al-Omar, a number of colleges celebrated the graduation of the fourteenth batch of female students.

In a speech delivered by the vice-rector, she thanked the organizers of the celebrations in these colleges and congratulated the graduates and their families on this achievement. 

She also expressed her sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, for their support for higher education. 


With a device for drying and fixing laboratory medical slides: A research team of university students achieves first place in the Health Innovation Hackathon

Majmaah University

جامعة المجمعة

In a new achievement within the achievements of the university and its employees, the university won first place in the Health Innovation Hackathon competition held at King Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud University for Health Sciences in the National Guard in Riyadh, in which more than 13 Saudi universities participated, and with more than 60 participations, where the university participated with a device for drying and fixing medical tissues, which works with the ideal heating system and mechanism on laboratory medical strips installed on waxy paraffin tissues, which require heat A standardized minute for the purpose of stabilizing tissues during laboratory experiments on the slides, including the work of dyes after the installation process on them.

The team participating in the competition included student Ahmed Al-Darwish, student Ayyad Al-Shammari, student Jasser bin Baijan, student Muhammad Al-Muhareb from the university students, and student Ghala bint Abdulaziz bin Rashoud from King Saud University, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Raed bin Salim Al-Baradei.

The research team presented preliminary experiments on testing the device and its efficiency in installing on the slides, and the results were confirmed by conducting experiments on tissues from dyes on the efficiency of the drying and installation process, and in practice, the device can adjust the digital temperature of slide heating devices with a digital screen from room temperature to 75 ° C (167 ° F), and the internal surface of the device is designed from thermoplastic ionized aluminum size 25 × 9 inches To transfer heat steadily and dry the slices uniformly, this unit also has an additional adjustment button that allows switching between seeing the set temperature and the actual temperatures at the same time, the device has been equipped with a steel fan based on comprehensive heat distribution on all installed slides, and it was provided with a thermostat to stop the process of increasing heat that may cause damage to genes and tissues installed on the tissue slides, and the device was also supported by a timer to ensure a time The experiment is not more than the required rate, and the device is designed with a light structure made of fiber material integrated with aluminum to ensure the work of balanced thermal heating and heat transfer quickly and at a rate consistent with the quality of the tissues to be installed and controllable in the form of a heating lube with a power of 200 watts, and this device is characterized by a heat tolerance of up to 70 degrees, a heat sensor and the presence of a filter to output excess water after drying the slides.

The device was manufactured at an economic cost that allows it to enter into competition for industrial markets that specialize in the field of medical devices, as its cost does not exceed 340 riyals only, as the other devices that are used in the implementation of the current drying and installation process reach approximately 6000 thousand riyals.

The research team, which obtained a document granting a patent for the industrial model from the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property, included Saudi cadres from the sons and daughters of the country, from King Khalid Hospital, Mr. Saud Abdul Aziz Al-Ateeq, Mr. Issa Abdullah Abdul Mohsen Al-Issa, and from the university students, the student Ahmed Essam Ahmed Al-Dariwish, Ayad Muqhem Al-Shammari, Fahd Al-Enezi, the student Samar Muhammad Al-Omar, Obaid Suwaid Al-Sahli, Muhammad Muhareb Al-Muhareb, and the specialist, Ms. Nada Muhammad Al-Thumairy. , Jasser Mohammed Al-Baijan, Ghala Abdulaziz bin Rashoud from the students of King Saud Medical University of the National Guard, Abdullah Abdul Mohsen Al-Shaya, and Specialist Fahd Nasser Mohammed Al-Suwaid from the Ministry of Health, under the coordination and supervision of the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Musaed bin Ali Al-Zahrani, and in coordination and follow-up of Prof. Dr. Raed bin Salim Al-Baradei from the Department of Medical Laboratories at the College of Applied Medical Sciences.

This achievement comes within a series of achievements and works of the Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Tuwaijri Chair for Strokes at the university, and the innovative team raised its thanks and appreciation to the President of the University, Prof.Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil for his follow-up and support, which had a great impact on the achievements achieved, and to the Vice President of the University, Prof. Muslim Al-Dosari, the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh Al-Rashidi, and the Head of the Medical Laboratories Department, Dr. Sahar Al-Dosari, for their support for the march of inventions and innovations at the university and for male and female students.


University Students Participate in the Municipal Investment Forum "Foras"


Tuesday, 31/January/2023

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

Under the guidance of the President of the University a. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil The Deanship of Student Affairs participated through a group of university students in the Municipal Investment Forum Foras in its second edition at the Riyadh Front.

The forum aims to review a package of investment opportunities offered by secretariats, municipalities and government agencies, and expand the base of competitors by attracting capital investments to contribute to raising the quality of life in Saudi cities.

The university students also visited the pavilions of secretariats, government agencies and the private sector, after which a number of dialogue sessions and lectures were attended such as NEOM Future City for the CEO of the NEOM Debtor project, His Excellency Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr, and a lecture on Saudi Aramco National Development Programs for His Excellency Dr. Senior Vice President of Aramco for National Development, after which a dialogue session entitled The Role of Investments in Building Gulf and Arab Cities.

On the other hand, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh bin Amileh Al-Rashidi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for his support and permanent sponsorship of the programs and activities of the Deanship and his keenness on the participation of students in such programs that seek to highlight the efforts of municipal investment, which is an essential enabler for the development of Saudi cities, which contributes positively to the quality of services provided to their residents and visitors and the quality of life in them to achieve the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and to His Excellency the Vice President for Affairs Educational a. D. Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Aboudi for his constant follow-up and guidance.

Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari participates in the International Conference on Combating Cyber Terrorism

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

His Excellency Prof. Dr. Musallam bin Muhammad Al-Dosari participated in the International Conference on Combating Electronic Terrorism organized by the Islamic University in Madinah, by chairing the seventh session of the conference sessions, which was attended by speakers from the Arab Republic of Egypt, Morocco, Belgium and Macedonia, and His Excellency was honored at the end of the session by honoring the speakers and presenters of scientific papers, and His Excellency was honored by His Highness the President of the Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Mamdouh bin Saud Al Saud.

In this regard, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari stated that the importance of this conference comes through the importance of its topic, which came in the context of national universities playing their scientific and research role, and providing scientific studies that reveal the negative phenomena that threaten our societies, and it also provides recommendations that promote and support the decisions that can be taken by the relevant authorities.

On this occasion, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari thanked His Highness the President of the Islamic University, the Vice-Rectors of the University and all its employees for the invitation to participate in this conference and for the quality and good organization.


SIFAL Center participates in the nineteenth meeting of the World CEFAL Centers in Honolulu, USA


Majmaah University

The Cefal Center at the university, represented by the Director of the Center, Dr. Ayman Al-Barakati, participated in the nineteenth annual meeting of the World Cefal Centers, which is hosted this year by the Seafal Honolu Center at Shamned Hawaii University in Honolulu, USA, in the presence of the directors of 25 centers working to contribute to achieving the United Nations goals and sustainable development by building competencies and raising their readiness, and the centers discussed the activities that were held in the current year, and to learn about the agenda for the coming year, and ways of work To enhance cooperation and integration between CEFAL centers in the world, and maximize their impact by raising the use of their available resources.


University scholar Sultan Al-Enezi participates in the Australian International Conference on Sports Medicine 2022

Majmaah University

Sultan bin Ayada Al-Enezi, a scholarship student for a doctoral study from the Department of Physical Therapy at the College of Applied Medical Sciences and a doctoral candidate at the University of Queensland in Australia, participated in presenting a specialized scientific paper on the effect of ankle joint roughness at the Australian International Conference on Sports Medicine 2022, and the results of the study were well received by the attendees and those interested in the quality and method of scientific research, as this study is the first of its kind for patients with ankle osteoarthritis.

The Australian International Conference of Sports Medicine is one of the largest and most important scientific gatherings specialized in physical therapy and sports medicine around the world, and it is under the umbrella of the Australian Society of Physical Therapy.

During the doctoral stage, the scholarship published a number of scientifically refereed papers in international journals specialized in physical therapy and medical rehabilitation, and participated in a number of international conferences specialized in the problems and treatment of ankle joint roughness, and the scholarship Al-Anzi is one of the members of the International Society for Research specialized in the treatment of ankle and foot roughness around the world International Foot and Ankle Osteoarthritis Consortium.

For his part, Al-Enezi expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for his continuous support for the university's scholarship students to serve the practical process and scientific research, and he also thanked the University Agency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research represented by the Training and Scholarship Department for their unlimited support for the university's scholarships, and to the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Musaed Al-Zahrani, and the Head of the Physiotherapy Department, Dr. Ahmed Al-Enezi, for their keenness and unlimited support.



Two Teams from the University Participate in the Hackathon of Leadership in Industrial Innovation

Majmaah University

جامعة المجمعة

With the support of the President of the University, Prof. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and the follow-up of the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, two teams from the university participated in the Leadership in Industrial Innovation Hackathon, which was organized by the Ministry of Education in cooperation with NEOM Industrial City (Oxagion) in Riyadh, with the participation of more than 30 Saudi universities, and a number of entities from the public and private sectors.


The projects submitted by the university included finding innovative solutions to energy and water challenges, where the first project presented an innovative model for the energy storage system for the optimal operation of renewable energy networks in the field of energy, and Dr. Abdulaziz bin Dakhil Al-Mutairi, Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Tamimi, and Dr. Nayef bin Fayez Al-Buqami from the College of Engineering worked on this project, and the second project was presented by students from the College of Engineering, namely: Muayad Al-Sweikat, Nasser Al-Dalbahi, Nawaf Al-Medlej and Othman Al-Mazrou, under the supervision of Dr. Tariq Muhammad Ahmed, where they presented an industrial innovation for the pipe pressure test tool.


The hackathon achieved remarkable success, as more than 60 teams participated, presenting promising innovations, as the participating teams' competitions were in the fields of (technology in the service of humans, water sustainability, electric fuel, and green hydrogen).


It is worth mentioning that the hackathon is a rich experience for exchanging experiences and building effective relationships, as it included various workshops and meetings with mentors with distinguished competencies to guide and support the participating teams and develop their ideas.


The University Concludes its Participation in the Riyadh International Book Fair

Majmaah University

جامعة المجمعة

Majmaah University

The university concluded its participation in the activities of the Riyadh International Book Fair in its current session for the year 1444 AH, in which a number of publishing houses exceeded 1400 publishing houses belonging to 40 countries from different countries of the world, where the university was represented in this participation by the Publishing and Translation Center at the University Agency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, through which books written by faculty members at the university were presented, and scientific journals issued by the Publishing and Translation Center, namely: Journal of Humanities and Administrative Sciences, Journal of Majmaah University for Health Sciences, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Annals of Majmaah University for Research and Studies, The university's pavilion at the exhibition was honored by the visit of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, where he praised the organizational level of the university's pavilion at the exhibition.

The university's pavilion has received the turnout of a large number of those interested in scientific research, students of higher education and the public looking for culture that is reliable with its sources and aimed at advancing development, and the university's pavilion has received the admiration of visitors and the demand for the university's publications of books and scientific magazines.

The university's pavilion also visited male and female students from Majmaah University, and were briefed on the international and local publishing houses participating in the exhibition, as well as the latest publications of the Publishing and Translation Center, where the Deanship of Student Affairs organized a student visit to the exhibition, during which they were briefed on the international and local publishing houses participating in the exhibition, as well as the latest publications and modern literature in various fields, and they also visited the university's pavilion participating in the exhibition, as this visit comes as an extension of the Deanship's role in spreading the culture of reading. Among students, where the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh bin Amalih Al-Rashidi, stressed that the Deanship pays great attention to such visits that gain students several skills in the cognitive and cultural aspect, and encourage them to read and see, as the Riyadh International Fair 22 is a major cultural event that seeks in all its sessions to meet civilizations from all countries of the world and their diverse cultures, spread the culture of peace and positive communication between peoples, and learn about the cultures of the world through the participants. At the exhibition .


The University Achieves the Gold Medal and the Distinguished Innovation Award at the International Innovation Exhibition held in London 2022

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

The university won the gold medal and the Distinguished Innovation Award at the International Innovation Exhibition held in London 2022, where a team from the College of Applied Medical Sciences participated in the exhibition led by Prof. Dr. Raed bin Salim Al-Baradei, and the two students Ahmed bin Essam Al-Dariwish and Muhammad bin Muhareb Al-Muhareb, and the innovation of the university team (the medical device for fixing and drying tissues on the medical laboratory slides) won the admiration of the exhibition visitors and the organizing committee.

For his part, the Dean of the College, Dr. Musaed bin Muhammad Al-Zahrani, expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for the facilities and support provided by the university in all fields, especially the field of research and innovations, and praised the participating team after receiving the gold medal and the Distinguished Innovation Award, appreciating the efforts made to obtain this award and raise the name of the university in this global forum.

The head of the participating team, Prof. Dr. Raed bin Salim ElBaradei, also thanked His Excellency the President of the University and His Excellency the Dean of the College for the unlimited support, which had an impact after God's success in winning the award.

Two teams from the university qualified in the Leadership in Industrial Innovation Hackathon organized by the Ministry of Education

Majmaah University

جامعة المجمعة

Two teams from the university qualified in the Leadership in Industrial Innovation Hackathon, which is organized by the Ministry of Education and Oxagon in NEOM, and will be held in Riyadh from 6-8/10/2022, and the hackathon aims to engage the best talents from Saudi university employees, create opportunities for strategic and technical partnerships in the private sector, in addition to transforming ideas and research into institutional projects and startups, developing the innovative and entrepreneurial skills of entrepreneurs in universities, and seeking to develop the best solutions Research and innovation for future industrial cities.
The projects submitted by the university seek to find innovative solutions to energy and water challenges, the first project came in the field of energy, where the team leader, His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz bin Dakhil Al-Mutairi - Assistant Professor of Renewable Energy from the College of Engineering - presented an innovative model for the energy storage system for the optimal operation of renewable energy networks, and the second project came in the field of water, an industrial innovation for a pipe pressure test instrument, presented by students from the College of Engineering, namely: Muayad Al-Sweikat, Nasser Al-Dalbahi, Nawaf Al-Medlej and Othman Al-Mazrou.
Based on the directives of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and the follow-up of Her Excellency the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center supervised the projects and followed up on their development during the previous period, and organized a number of meetings and meetings, in order to ensure the completion of the projects and their suitability to participate in the hackathon.


Within the summer activities. A number of university students visit the Saudi Society for Fine Arts


Majmaah University

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

Within the framework of the university's endeavor to diversify the sources of activities for its students and within the summer activities to serve students, the Salik Center for Traffic Safety, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs, carried out a trip for university students to visit the Saudi Society for Fine Arts (JSFT) at its headquarters in Riyadh, in continuation of the activities and memorandum of understanding with the association in the field of enhancing the importance of traffic safety through plastic arts, where the university delegation toured the sources of activities of the association and university students were briefed on the contributions and participatory enablers towards Creativity with the association, The Director General of the General Administration of Services, Mr. Miteb Al-Maimuni, thanked the work team at Salik Center, the participating students and the Deanship of Student Affairs team, and congratulated them on the success of this event, which is a continuation of the efforts made towards the importance of traffic safety to achieve one of the goals of reducing the percentage of traffic accidents in accordance with the Kingdom's vision 2030 and the university's efforts in spreading the culture of traffic safety in the local community, appreciating the support and follow-up of the Vice President of the University, Prof. Muslim Al-Dosari, for this visit, which comes in implementation For one of the recommendations of the workshop held by the university in advance in partnership with the association for the contribution of those interested in plastic arts in the Kingdom to enhance the importance of traffic safety, Al-Maimouni also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh Al-Mizil, for the continuous support that the activities programs find to serve our students, university employees and the local community.

At the end of his speech, Al-Maimouni thanked the Council of the Saudi Society for Fine Arts, represented by the Chairman of the Council, Dr. Manal Al-Ruwaished, and a member of the Council of the Association, Mr. Saleh Al-Khalifa, for their common interest, good reception and diversity of events offered to the university delegation.


A team from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the College of Science in Zulfi participates in the innovation exhibition of the Fourth Forum of Youth Committees in Riyadh Region

Student Participation

مشاركة الطالبات 2

Majmaah University, through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and in cooperation with the university's faculties, seeks to support and encourage male and female students to participate in various entrepreneurial and innovative competitions, challenges and camps. In cooperation with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center with the College of Science in Zulfi, a team from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences participates in the Tri-Out project in the innovation exhibition of the Fourth Forum of Youth Committees in Riyadh, which is held by the emirate represented by the Riyadh Youth Council, which targets youth committees in the governorates of Riyadh under the patronage of His Highness Royal Prince Faisal bin Bandar, Governor of Riyadh Region, in cooperation with the Women's Committee for Community Development in the Riyadh Region Council, headed by Her Highness Princess Noura bint Mohammed Al Saud, with the Youth Council of the region in managing the file of organizing the fourth forum, which aims to advance youth in the region at all levels to contribute to achieving the requirements of development through the follow-up of the reports and recommendations of the Riyadh Youth Council and the Council of the region. The participating team from Majmaah University is represented by students from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science. In Zulfi, student Noura Abdullah Al-Tariqi, student Noura Manea Al-Manea, and graduate Hessa Jasser Al-Shaalani, under the supervision of Dr. Ayman Al-Barakati. This participation comes under the follow-up of the Dean of the College of Science in Zulfi, Dr. Hani Al-Qahiz, the Head of the Computer and Information Department, Dr. Abdullah Al-Oraini, and the Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Bajahzar. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center continuously monitors, supports and encourages the participation of students in their Tri-Out project, which is an application that provides exercise and therapy and ensures the accuracy and correctness of the user's performance through artificial intelligence techniques and real-time human movement analysis to perform the exercise to be safer and more effective. Majmaah University, represented by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, is keen to encourage and support male and female students to participate in various challenges, competitions, camps and hackathons in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and Her Excellency the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar.



The participation of a team of university students in the final qualifiers for the university entrepreneurship camps program under the supervision and organization of (Monshaat)

Female Students 1

Students 2

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Majmaah University, through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, seeks to support and encourage male and female students to participate in competitions, challenges and entrepreneurial and innovative camps, which instill confidence in male and female students and give them the opportunity to participate and gain experience from specialists, and accordingly, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center took the initiative to open the way for the participation of male and female students in local and international camps, challenges and competitions, and the participation of a team of female students from the College of Science in Zulfi is one of these initiatives and their arrival to the final qualifiers for the program University Entrepreneurial Camps for the First Phase under the supervision and organization of the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monshaat) The program included a number of stages and challenges, including intensive training and workshops, and the number of participants in the competition reached 2500 projects, and the best 300 projects were selected by jury committees, and in the initial model, the distinguished projects were selected, and their number was 100 projects, and in the semi-final liquidation, the best 13 excellence projects were selected to win and reach the finals, after the presentations made by the participants. And answer the questions of the arbitrators. The participating team from Majmaah University successfully passed all stages until reaching the final qualifiers and is among 13 distinguished projects to win the final qualifiers and present them to the audience at the closing ceremony. The participation of the university team in the Sell Or Donate project is a proposed solution for a semi-charitable platform for medical devices, supplies and equipment, through which the owners and owners of these devices, supplies and medical equipment are linked to the customer and be either a donation or at nominal prices, which saves a lot of effort and money for those who need such devices and the project team consisted of female students (Al-Jawhara Al-Manea - Saja Al-Husayn - Somaya Al-Maitiq) and the supervision of the lecturer, Professor Noura. Ibrahim Al-Nughaimshi Under the guidance and follow-up of the President of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Bajahzar, this participation comes in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and continuous follow-up from Her Excellency the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, to participate in local and international competitions, challenges and camps.



Her Excellency the Vice President of Majmaah University for Female Student Affairs participates in the third meeting of the Vice Rectors for Female Student Affairs, which is hosted by Al-Jouf University.

  The Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdul Rahman Al-Omar, participated in the third meeting of the Vice-Rectors for Female Student Affairs, which was hosted by Al-Jouf University on Wednesday, 24/2/1441 AH, where many topics of interest to university agencies for female students affairs at the level of the Kingdom were discussed, the most important of which are:

1- Reviewing the strategic plan of the Vice Deanship of Al-Jouf University for Female Student Affairs.

2- The reality of strategic planning for university agencies for female students' affairs.

3- The role of university vice-deans for female students in achieving the objectives of universities.

For her part, Her Excellency Dr. Jawaher Al-Omar stated that this meeting comes as an extension of the honorable march of the university vice-deans for female students affairs and the strengthening of cooperation between agencies, in which existing work and projects were followed, in addition to discussing many topics that affect the strategic plans of the agencies and developing a number of recommendations that would contribute to activating the role played by university agencies for female students' affairs, and she also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for his continuous support. To attend such important meetings.


University President: The International Conference on Education is an opportunity to exchange expertise and experiences that reflect the desire for global development and competitiveness, and to enhance opportunities for local and international participation in providing education and investing in it

Majmaah University

His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, stated that the university was keen to participate in the International Conference and Exhibition for Education, which is organized by the Ministry of Education, and the good preparation by the university for this participation, because of this event of great importance and great positive return on the university, as the objectives and axes of the conference are focused on important strategic goals adopted by the Ministry through it, especially with regard to facing the challenges of the current Corona pandemic, epidemics that may spread in the future, and how to Dealing with these epidemics to ensure the sustainability of the educational process, the conference also discusses the requirements for developing the infrastructure of distance education, whether via the Internet or through educational channels, in addition to coordination and activation of cooperation between the concerned authorities that include the Ministry of Education and its sectors, educational software companies, computer technology companies, in addition to telecommunications companies, and the conference deals with ways to develop the educational capabilities of the educational staff remotely, and the need to adapt and adapt to emerging conditions and crises Contributing to the promotion of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, emphasizing its role as an effective force in civilization, science and human progress, reviewing opportunities for the development of education in the Kingdom and investing in its potential, exchanging expertise and experiences that reflect the desire for development and global competitiveness, enhancing opportunities for local and international participation in providing and investing in education, introducing incentives for investment in education and attracting its local and global opportunities, in addition to overcoming the challenges facing education in the Kingdom, and providing solutions that Contribute to raising the level of its outputs and the efficiency of its institutions in accordance with international standards and indicators for measurement and evaluation.


The University Participates in the Second Phase of the University Innovation Challenge for Sustainable Development

Majmaah University

Based on the Kingdom's Vision 2030 in developing the innovation system, and in continuation of its efforts to spread the culture of invention to discover inventors and innovators with the aim of supporting them and developing their entrepreneurial products, the university, represented by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, participated in the second phase of the University Innovation Challenge Program for Sustainable Development, within 15 universities across the Kingdom in this program, which is organized by the Ministry of Education in partnership with Prince Mohammed bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship, and Babson College for Entrepreneurship Education, and the United Nations Development Programme.
The University Innovation Challenge for Sustainable Development program aims to develop entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities and employ them in finding solutions to the challenges faced by sustainable development, activating strategic partnerships with local and international bodies, while involving innovative students and faculty members in a global quality educational experience that will contribute to building emerging university projects.
A team from the College of Engineering participated to represent the university in the second phase of the challenge through the S-T-S Learning System project in the presence of His Excellency the President of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Bajahzar, and under the supervision of His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz bin Dakhil Al-Mutairi, and with the participation of students Saud Al-Obaid, Iyad Al-Falih, and Muhammad Al-Mutairi, and the project consists of a learning system that allows knowledge sharing among students, and the possibility of the student helping his colleague in different topics according to specialization, which provides Time and money, also allows discussions and conversations among themselves and the transfer of experiences and knowledge.
The program included a number of educational experiences that dealt with various topics, presented successful experiences in innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as discussing the difficulties and challenges facing leaders and officials in spreading the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Her Excellency the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, stated that the university continues to emphasize continuous development by developing and preparing the skills of innovative students, providing them with the necessary support, seeking to create an innovative and sustainable educational environment that stimulates production, and benefiting from strategic partnerships to serve the community.
Her Excellency also thanked His Excellency the President of the University for his unlimited support to the Innovation Center and the university's creative and innovative students, and thanks to His Excellency the President of the Center, Dr. Abdullah Bajahzar, for his fruitful efforts, and to the participating team, wishing God continued success and payment to them.


The university gets the second place at the level of Saudi universities for the device of fixing and drying laboratory slides

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

The participating student team from the College of Applied Medical Sciences achieved second place at the level of Saudi universities in the innovation exhibition accompanying the Scientific Olympiad and the Health Hackathon, which was held at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, and the students' victory came from participating in the project of the stabilization and drying device for laboratory slides, after the nomination of arbitration committees that included many international and Saudi arbitrators, and the number of participating universities reached 19 Saudi universities, and more than 202 innovative ideas.

On this occasion, His Excellency the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Musaed bin Muhammad Al-Zahrani, congratulated the winning students, and urged them to continue more effort to crown these creative ideas and turn them into commercial products, and also thanked the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which was represented during the participation by the President of the Center, Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Bajahzar, and also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for his support to the students of the college and the university to develop thinking and creativity skills and participate in Such national competitions, and to His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for his support to involve students in research projects to develop their capabilities and translate these researches into innovative and pioneering projects.

The team of participating students included: Jasser Mohammed Al-Baijan, Ahmed Essam Al-Dariwish, Ayad Muqham Al-Shammari, Fahd Muhammad Al-Anzi, Obaid Suwaid Al-Sahli, Muhammad Muhareb Al-Muhareb, Abdullah Abdul Mohsen Al-Shaya, and Samar Muhammad Al-Omar, and the team was supervised by Prof. Dr. Raed bin Salim Al-Bardai, a faculty member in the medical laboratories.

The research team at the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Department of Medical Laboratories at the university, in partnership with King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah Governorate (Department of Medical Devices) and a number of researchers at Princess Nourah University, King Saud University for Health Sciences and Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Tuwaijri Chair for strokes had previously been able to obtain a patent document for an industrial model from the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property No. SA9702, for this device (drying and fixing laboratory medical slides), which works With the ideal heating system and mechanism on the medical laboratory slides installed on the waxy paraffin tissues, which require uniform fine heat for the purpose of stabilizing the tissues during the work of laboratory experiments on the slides, including the work of dyes after the installation process on them, where the research team made preliminary experiments on testing the device and its efficiency, and the device enables to adjust the digital temperature of slide heating devices equipped with a digital screen from room temperature to 75 ° C (167 ° F), and The internal surface of the device is designed in thermoplastic ionized aluminum size 25 × 9 inches to transfer heat steadily and dry the slices uniformly, and this unit also has an additional adjustment button that allows switching between seeing the set temperature and the actual temperatures at the same time, and the device is equipped with a steel fan that comprehensively distributes heat to all the rolling slides, in addition to a thermostat to stop the process of increasing heat that may cause damage to genes and antigens with stabilized tissues On textile slides, the device was also supported by a timer that ensures the experiment time so that it does not exceed the required rate, thus avoiding fabric damage, and the device is designed with a light structure made of fiber and aluminum to ensure the work of balanced thermal heating and heat transfer quickly and at a rate consistent with the quality of the tissues to be installed, and it is controllable in the form of a heating loop with a power of 200 watts that gives the ability to heat from room temperature to 75 ° C (167 ° ) Fahrenheit approximately) so that it enables heat transfer to dry and stabilize tissues and cells perfectly for use in all competent experiments on cells and tissues, and on all medical histological diseases for diagnosis, it should also be noted that the device was manufactured at an economical cost that allows it to enter the competition for the competent industrial markets in the field of medical devices.


The team participating in the first nursing hackathon qualified for the final qualifiers

The participating team of students from the Nursing Department at the College of Applied Medical Sciences qualified for the final qualifiers, in the first nursing hackathon, which is held within the activities of the Gulf Nursing Forum at King Saud University, where the students participated in a video in an awareness competition about the role of nursing in dealing with an asthma patient who was given medication and then his health condition deteriorated, in which the students applied advanced nursing procedures to deal with the patient at the time of deterioration of the condition, in a video clip of 3 minutes.

For his part, the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Musaed bin Muhammad Al-Zahrani, congratulated the participating students on this qualification, explaining that participating in such competitions enhances students' clinical skills, and increases their learning during their contact with students of other universities.

The Dean of the College also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for his guidance and support, which had the greatest impact in achieving achievements, and he also thanked the university vice-rectors for their support and continuous follow-up to everything that supports students and contributes to raising the efficiency of the university's outputs, and praised the supervisors of the students participating in this hackathon.

The team of the nursing department of female students was represented by: Amwaj Al-Kaabi, Salma Al-Shammari, Joud Al-Sulaiman, Noura Hudaiban, and Shorouq Al-Suqiani, and under the follow-up of the Head of the Nursing Department, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Buqami, and the supervision of Dr. Sharifa Asiri and Dr. Wedad Al-Enezi.


Students of the Department of Physical Therapy and Health Rehabilitation at the College of Applied Medical Sciences participate in the effectiveness of the Stroke Awareness Day in Sultan Humanitarian City in Riyadh

Under the guidance of His Excellency Dr. Fahd bin Khalid Al-Dhafiri, Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, the college, represented by the Department of Physical Therapy and Health Rehabilitation, participated in the awareness stroke day at Prince Sultan Humanitarian Medical City, and the forum targets physiotherapy students at the level of the Kingdom, and this forum included the definition, symptoms and types of clots, how to detect them, ways to prevent their complications, as well as the role of proper sports, correct nutrition and regular treatment.The implementation of this event was accompanied by visiting infected patients and meeting doctors, rehabilitation specialists and physiotherapists to answer oral questions and inquiries from students.

At the end of the event, the visiting team expressed its thanks and appreciation to all participants in this day for the invitation and the good reception and hospitality.

His Excellency Dr. Mazen Mushabab Al-Qahtani, Head of the Department of Physical Therapy and Health Rehabilitation at the College, expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Fahd bin Khalid Al-Dhafiri, for his keenness and personal follow-up to benefit from participating in such events, which is not surprising from His Excellency.


The College of Business Administration achieves sixth place in the marathon organized by the Ministry of Health on the occasion of World Diabetes Day


With the aim of encouraging college students to take initiative and participate in all competitions and activities that benefit the student healthily and educationally. The College of Business Administration achieved the sixth place in the marathon organized by the Ministry of Health on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Zulfi Governorate, which was held on Monday, 21/2/1438 AH, and which was achieved by the student Moaz Awad, one of the college students.

This achievement comes through the participation of the college in the people of Zulfi, represented by the Student Activities Unit, with a number of its students in this marathon, which was organized by Al-Zulfi General Hospital on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day under the slogan "Our Eye on Diabetes", with the participation of more than 130 runners of different ages and the contribution of government agencies, namely Al-Zulfi Municipality, the Office of the Sports Authority, the Education Department, the Traffic Division, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a number of private companies and institutions contributing to the activities of World Diabetes Day. With the aim of educating the attention of community members to the seriousness of the disease and the importance of the role of sports activity in combating it, in addition to the importance of adhering to healthy eating habits.

From this standpoint, His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Saad bin Muhammad Al-Fulaih, thanked the Head of the Student Activities Unit, Mr. Mishaal Al-Daham, for his efforts in achieving this unprecedented achievement at the level of participation in the external forums of the college, which contributes to the development of students behaviorally, cognitively and emotionally and the establishment of a generation that believes in work and social responsibility, and has the ability to develop itself and its talents.


The University Participates in Training Trips for Saudi Arabian Scouts

Under the guidance of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, and under the follow-up of His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and the supervision of His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, the General Supervisor of the Roving Tribes, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, the university, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs, participated in the training trips for the employees of the Saudi Arabian Scouts for leadership development, which were held in Lanushi camp in Florida, USA, during the period from 10-18/5/1441 AH. Where the scouting courses were participated by: His Excellency the academic supervisor of the roving clans, Dr. Saud Al-Muqham, in the foundational study of the wooden badge, and the head of the Department of Sports and Scouting Activities, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanno, in the study of the Assistant Commissioner for Leadership Development, and Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Khalaf in the advanced course of the wooden badge, and a number of deans of student affairs, agents of student affairs deanships, and scouting activities officials in the universities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the various scouting sectors from the Sports Authority, the Ministry of Education and colleges participated in these courses. And industrial and technical institutes, civil committees and associations, and the participation of the university delegation in these courses was a distinguished participation in terms of regularity and active participation, which resulted in all participants from the university obtaining high ratings in the courses they enrolled in, and these courses included many distinguished leaders in the Saudi Arabian Scouts Association for training in these courses, and the trip program included tours in Florida and visiting the main scout office in the state and seeing the most prominent experiences and scouting initiatives And meet with Florida Scout officials, who praised the organization and participation by the Saudi Arabian Scouts Association, and experiences were exchanged between the Scouts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the American Scouts. For his part, His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al-Afaisan, expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for his continuous support to the Deanship of Student Affairs and its activities, including the approval to participate in these training trips that contribute to the development of activities officials in all directions and events, Dr. Al-Afaisan also thanked His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, for his guidance and constant follow-up to the programs and activities of the Deanship of Student Affairs, and to the colleagues participating in Training courses on good representation.