News Archive

اليوم العالمي للمرأة

The Cifal Center, in partnership with the Women’s Committee for Community Development and the Social Responsibility Observatory, invites you to attend the 7th meeting entitled: Integrating Women into the Workforce: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Leap from 17% to 36% and beyond. The meeting is…

مركز سيفال Cifal السعودية يشارك في معرض ملتقى الشهادات المهنية الأول

The Saudi Cifal Center participated in the first Professional Certificates Forum exhibition, which was organized by the College of Business Administration. The exhibition aims to educate graduates about professional certificates that increase their chances of employment in the labor market.

جامعة المجمعة

The Stroke Conference at MU honored the Saudi CIFAl Center for its participation in the conference, which was a pavilion in the exhibition accompanying the conference.

رئيس الجامعة يكرم مركز سيفال

MU's Rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, honored CIFAL Center for its prominent role in enabling volunteer work at the university for the year 2023.

مركز سيفال السعودية ينفذ البرنامج التدريبي:  مدرب معتمد في تطبيقات الاستدامة

CIFAL Saudi Center conducted a 5-day training program entitled (Certified Trainer in Sustainability Applications). The program aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to transfer knowledge of sustainability applications.

البرنامج التدريبي (محترف إدارة المشاريع التنموية "PMD Pro") والمقدم لمنسوبي وزارة الداخلية

CIFAL Saudi Arabia wrapped up the training program (Development Project Management Professional “PMD Pro”) for employees of the Ministry of Interior. The course aims to help leaders to acquire professional skills in managing development projects.

مجلس إدارة مركز سيفال السعودية يعقد اجتماعه الأول

The first board meeting of CIFAL Saudi Arabia was held on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023. The meeting was headed by MU's rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal in the presence of board members, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, Mr. Ajlan Al-Ajlan, Ambassador Dr. Luis Gallegos, Mr. Alexander Mekhia, Dr.

يسر مركز سيفال السعودية أن يدعوكم للقاء الخامس من سلسلة لقاءات المركز بعنوان: الإعاقة السمعية لدى الأبوين واكتساب الطفل للغة "التأثير والمعالجة"

To highlight the importance of integrating those who suffer from hearing disability which constitute 15% of the world’s population, CIFAL Saudi Arabia invites you to the fifth meeting entitled: (Hearing disability among parents and the child’s acquisition of language - influence and treatment).

مركز سيفال السعودية ينفذ البرنامج التدريبي: محترف إدارة المشاريع التنموية PMD Pro

A 5-day project management professional training program “PMD Pro” is conducted for employees of the Ministry of Interior. The program aims to improve supervisors' skills in the development field and enable them to have the necessary specialized skills to improve their performance in project…

مركز سيفال السعودية ينفذ البرنامج التدريبي الدولي: "خبير تطبيقات أهداف الأمم المتحدة للتنمية المستدامة 2030"

In line with the directives of MU's rector and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CIFAL, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, and with the follow-up of the Vice-Rector for Development and Investment, Prof.

مركز سيفال المملكة العربية السعودية يشارك في الاجتماع السنوي العشرون لشبكة سيفال حول العالم في مقر الأمم المتحدة في جنيف

CIFAL Saudi Arabia participated in the 20th annual meeting of CIFAL Global Network, which was held during the period from November 13-15, 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. Dr.

خبير تطبيقات أهداف الأمم المتحدة للتنمية المستدامة ( 2030 )

The CIFAL is holding in cooperation with the Women’s Development Committee in the Emirate of Riyadh and the Social Responsibility Observatory at MU, the international training program: “The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030,” which aims to provide trainees with knowledge of the…

مركز يبحث مجالات التعاون مع جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية

A delegation of Cifal Center visited Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the General Administration for Knowledge Exchange and International Communication.

مركز سيفال يبحث مجالات الشراكة والتعاون مع مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة والأعمال الإنسانية

Cifal Center held a virtual meeting on Tuesday with the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid, represented by the General Administration for Capacity Building. The meeting addressed aspects of cooperation and partnership between the two sides.

ندوة علمية بعنوان "آليات تعزيز مفاهيم أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030 في الحرم الجامعي"

CIFAL organized a seminar entitled: Mechanisms for Promoting the Concepts of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 at campus, on Tuesday September 26, 2023.