Dean Meets Students and Awards Outstanding Students

Fulfilling the needs of Majmaah University Students according to the instruction of the University Rector, Dr. Fahad Al-Dhefiri- Dean of the Applied Medical Science- met with the College students. There were several professors at the meeting including Dr. Amal Al-Etibi, Vice-dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ishtiaq Al-Juahani, Assistant vice dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Entisar Wakid, Assistant vice dean for academic affairs, Dr. Randa Muhammad, Assistant vice dean of Graduate Studies.

The Dean welcomed the students and stressed that students are the cornerstone of the University, and they should be provided a comfortable academic environment leading to a positive output of confident and righteous students. Then the Dean listened to and answered students’ queries, considering their wishes and emphasizing the need to eliminate all obstacles that may encounter students during their study at the University. Subsequently, high achiever students were honored by the dean.

At the end of the meeting, the Dean thanked the audience and wished students the best in their future endeavors .







Last modified
Monday, 28/March/2016