Vision: The Department of Computer Engineering (CE) strives to provide high quality of education and research that meets the international criteria in the field of computer engineering. Mission: The mission of the program is to develop students' breadth of knowledge and skills across the subject areas of computer engineering to be qualified to join the job market. Objectives : The educational objectives set by the CE program determine the skills and knowledge students should master to have be able to have a successful career three or four years after graduation. The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills: - Given the solid background in the fields of engineering, mathematics, science and humanities, students can join minimally the basic level of professional practices or pursue graduate studies in computer engineering. - Carry out original research, implement systems using owned skills of problems solving, communicate effectively with others, work as one team, leadership and project management skills. - Use basic knowledge and experience in solving real problems along with understanding community, economic, environmental and moral issues which will enable them to act proactively with constant global changes.