Duties & Tasks
- The coordinator (male/female) is responsible for the unit of student affairs and heads the committee made of members and a secretary.
- Distributing tasks on secretary and members.
- Planning events and activities
- Budgeting the Unit and the activities
- Follow up of financial and accountancy affairs
- Creating a manual for the unit.
- Setting up a biannual plan for activities, costs and number of hours
- Writing a biannual report
- Recruiting students
- Supervising the marketing process
- Supervising students work
- Coordinating and contacting executives and the deanship of student affairs
- Following up of student clubs and making sure on compliance with standards
- Attending student meetings
- Answering messages sent to unit of student affairs
- Supervising student clubs elections
- Appointing an academic supervisor for each student
Duties of secretary & members of the unit
- The secretary and members work under the authority of the head of the unit
- Follow up of activities
- Write minutes of meetings
- Coordinating meetings and booking meeting rooms
- Organize activities
- Photographing
- Archiving and organizing bills
- Updating students data
- Prepare meeting’s agenda
- Distributing announcements on activities and informing students about them
- Marketing