رقم كود المقرر اسم المقرر تحميل
المستوى الأول EN111 English I
IT112 Computer Fundamentals
MH113 Calculus I
PHY123 Physics I
المستوى الثاني CS131 Programming I
EN122 English II
MH132 Calculus II 
MH121 Discrete Mathematics
STAT133 Probability and Statistics
المستوى الثالث CS211 Programming II
EN212 Technical English 1
PHY214 Physics 2
MH222 Linear Algebra
IS213 Fundamentals of Database
المستوى الرابع CS231 Data Structures
IS233 Database Management Systems
EN221 Technical English 2
IT232 Selected Topics in Emerging Technologies
IT223 Visual Programming
المستوى الخامس CS311 Operating Systems
CS314 Software Engineering
IT313 Multimedia and Web Design
CS322 Computer Organization
IT334 Human Computer Interaction
المستوى السادس CS331 Seminar
IS333 Software Project Management 
IT323 Database Lab
IT324 Data Transmission and Computer Networks
IT335 Ethics and Professional Practice
المستوى السابع IS413 System Analysis and Design
IT412 System Integration 
IT416 Computer Networks Lab
المستوى الثامن IT420 Information Security 
IT432 Systems Administration and Maintenance
IT495 Cloud Computing Fundamentals
مسار الحوسبة السحابية IT472 Cloud Services Management
IT473 Cloud Computing Security
IT474 Application Development in Cloud
IT475 Intelligent Cloud Computing
IT476 Cloud Architecture
IT477 Cloud Operations
IT478 Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing
IT479 Cloud Computing Foundations
مسار الأمن السيبراني IT460 Applied Cryptography
IT461 Network Security
IT462 Enterprise Cybersecurity
IT465 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis