The College Council Duties:

The College Council Duties:

Article 34 of the Higher Education and Universities Council bylaw stipulates the following:

Subject to the provisions of this and other laws and what is decided by the Higher Education Council or the University Council, the college or institute council is responsible to consider matters related to the college or institute such as:

1- Recruiting faculty members, teaching assistants, and lecturers as well as their secondment, delegation, and promotions.

2- Suggesting or modify study plans in coordination with departments.

3- Suggesting curricula, textbooks and references for the departments of the college or institute.

4- Encouraging the idea of writing scientific research among the departments of the college or institute and publishing them.

5- Suggesting exam dates and setting the regulations for conducting them.

6- Suggesting the internal regulations of the college or institute. 

7- Suggesting training plans and missions necessary for the college or institute.

8- Suggesting a plan for the extracurricular activity of the college.

9- Making decisions about student matters that fall within its specialization and forwarding other matters to the University Council 

10- Considering referral matters by the university council, the rector or vice-rector for study and opinion.