News Archive

فن الاعتذار

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), is inviting you to a course entitled "The Art of Apology" 

Presenter: Dr. Maha Al-Shemmari

المشاركة في المؤتمرات

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Unit), is inviting you to a course entitled " Participation in conferences". 

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdelhaleem

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبية بعنوان (القدرة على إتخاذ القرار)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Counseling and Academic Advising, is inviting you to a course entitled "How to be able to make a decision".

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismael 

Day and Time: Wednesday, 21/3/1443, 9-11 am

Target group: students 

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبية بعنوان (آلية تسجيل المهارات والدورات في السجل المهاري)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Mechanism adding skills and courses to skill record".

Presenter: Ms. Hanan Al-Mutairi

Day and Time: Monday, 26/3/1443, 7-9 pm

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبية بعنوان (تصميم الاستبانات الالكترونية للبحوث العلمية)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Graduate Studies Unit), is pleased to invite you to a course entitled "Designing electronic questionnaires for scientific research".

الذكاء العاطفي

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), is pleased to invite you to a course entitled "Emotional Intelligence".

Presenter: Dr. Jawaher Al-Uhaydeb

دعوة لحضور (ورشة عمل تعريفية بشروط ومتطلبات التعيين على مرتبة محاضر)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Educational Affairs Unit), is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled "Requirements of recruitment for a lecturer post".

Presenter: Ms. Asma Al-Zooman

دعوة لحضور فعالية (مبادرة التوعية بسرطان الثدي)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), in cooperation with the Departments of KG, Math and Arabic Language, are pleased to invite you to an initiative  on breast cancer awareness. 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (إيجابيات الصحابة)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Student Activities Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Pros of the Companions".

Presenter: Dr. Hayam Mohammed, Department of Islamic Studies

آيات اللطف في القرآن

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Kindness Verses in the Qur’an".

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi, Department of Islamic Studies

Day and Time: Tuesday, 13/3/1443, 7-9 pm

جودة الخريج

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a course entitled "Quality of Graduates".

Presenter: Dr. Tamader Al-Khansaa, Department of Islamic Studies

Day and Time: Wednesday, 7/3/1443, 7-9 pm

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (الصحة النفسية)


The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a course entitled "

Psychological health".

Presenter: Dr. Maha Al-Shemmri, Department of Educational Science

Day and Time: Monday, 5/3/1443, 7-9 pm

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان ( How to design your academic CV)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "How to design your academic CV".

Presenter: Dr. Sara Al-Yousef, Department of English Language 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (العمل التطوعي وأثره الفعال في البيئة المجتمعية)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Volunteer work and its effective impact on the community environment".

Presenter: Dr. Asma Anaqrah, Department of Arabic Language 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (آلية الحذف والإضافة وإعداد الجدول الدراسي)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Procedures of Add/drop courses and timetable change".

Presenter: Dr. Manal Salama

Day and Time: Sunday, 4/3/1443, 1pm

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (Poetry Workshop Poetry Analysis Step by Step)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Graduate Studies Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Poetry Workshop Poetry Analysis Step by Step".

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (The art of data analysis)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "The art of data analysis".

Presenter: Dr. Jawaher Al-Saleh, Department of English Language

Day and Time: Monday, 5/3/1443, 4-5 pm

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبية بعنوان (فن تحديد الأهداف وصياغة المستقبل)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Counseling and Academic Advising Unit, is inviting you to a course entitled "The art of setting goals and shaping the future".

Presenter: Dr. Asma Al-Zahrani, Department of Special Education

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبية بعنوان: (مهارات التفوق الدراسي)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs (Student Support Unit), is pleased to invite you a course entitled "Academic excellence skills".

Presenter: Dr. Ishraqa Habeeb Allah, Department of Islamic Studies 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان: (The application of linear regression models in educational research)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Graduate Studies Unit), is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled "The application of linear regression models in educational research".