The College Holds a Seminar on Developing Critical Thinking

The College of Education, in collaboration with the Intellectual Awareness Unit, held a seminar titled "Developing Critical Thinking" via the Blackboard platform. The seminar was presented by Dr. Aqil Al-Aqil, Associate Professor of Educational Foundations in the Department of Educational Sciences and a member of the Intellectual Awareness Unit. More than 250 students, university staff, and members of the community attended the event.

 Dr. Abdulkarim Al-Harbi, the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, moderated the event and highlighted the importance of thinking.

Dr. Al-Aql introduced the concept of thinking and explained the importance of acquiring critical thinking skills. He discussed the Quran’s call for contemplation, reflection, and reasoning. He also addressed the role of intellect in the thinking process before delving into the origins of critical thinking and its advanced skills. He explored the significance of critical thinking in dealing with social media, evaluating online information sources, and applying critical thinking skills with a particular focus on intellectual security.

Last modified
Thursday, 20/February/2025