Participation of Student Activity Unit in the Exhibition of Student Affairs Deanship

At the request of the Dean, Dr. Mohammed Al-Shehri and the follow-up of the Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Talal Al-Harbi, the Student Activity Unit held an activity in the exhibition of volunteer work organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the Majmaah Mall. The title of the 2-day activity is “Majmaah Kids learn Programming”, which was launched in the presence of the vice-dean, Dr. Al-Harbi, the vice-dean for student activities, Dr. Faris Al-Faris and the head of student activity, Dr. Mohammed Baljoon. The aim of the activity is educating the community about the importance of programming, types of programming languages and the best practices to learn them. Some coding concepts for kids were explained in cooperation with some of the college students.




Last modified
Monday, 03/February/2020