News Archive

A workshop entitled “Reform of Saudi Teacher Preparation Programs in the Kingdom” was held at Harvard University on Tuesday 17/07/1439 to discuss the best practices in designing educational programs.

In order to raise the awareness of the community with Down Syndrome, a lecture was presented by Dr. Dua'a Abdelwarth, Dr. Mawahib Al-Rasheed and Dr. Ameena Othman, in Zulfi to celebrate the International Day of Down Syndrome 2018.

The Salik Awareness Club carried out an intensive campaign to activate the preventive activities of the University Without Accidents Initiative.

The Department of Educational Sciences at the College of Education in Majmah (Female Section) represented by field education students (English language Department) in cooperation with the English teachers at Fourth Secondary School in Majmah organized “Read together Initiative” on Wednesday 10/7…

The Department of Special Education in the Female Section in Zulfi under the supervision of the Female Students’ Coordinator Dr. Mona Tawakol celebrated the World Day of Down Syndrome at the 8th Elementary School.

The Special Education Department, represented by the Community Service Unit, organized an activity entitled: "Children of Autism". The event included a breakfast for 100 children with autism and intellectual disability, as well as gifts, competitions and recreational activities.

The College of Education represented by the Department of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organized a training course entitled: (Scientific Promotions), presented by Dr. Bandar bin Abdul Aziz Al-Hussain, Secretary of the Scientific Council of the University.

As part of the training programs plan for the Special Education Department at the College of Education in Majmah for the second semester of the academic year 1438/1439, a training course on statistical analysis was held on Monday, 9/7/1439 in the presence of the head of department Dr.

The Unit of Testing and Timetables at the Department of Educational Affairs conducted a lecture for the students on Tuesday 10/7/1439, where the lecture dealt with the rules, regulations and guidelines used during the final exams period.

The Student Advisory Council meeting was held on Tuesday 10/7/1439, under the chairmanship of the Dean of the College Dr. Majid Othman Aba Hussain, with the presence of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Tannaf bin Saqr Al-Otaibi, and the members of the Council.

According to the instructions of the Dean of the College Dr. Majed Othman Aba Hussain, the College of Education represented by the Department of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, plans to hold a Community Service Week.

The Department of English at the College of Education (female section) held a lecture entitled "Essay Writing Skills" on Thursday, 22 March 2018, by Ms. Iman Al-Hokail, for a group of outstanding female students in the Department.

Majmaah Education College - female section- represented by Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in cooperation with Community Service Unit organized a field visit on Wednesday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

In cooperation with the Student Advising Center, the Advising and Counseling Unit of the College organized a program entitled "Activities and Initiatives" on Wednesday 4/7/1439 H.

College of Education in Majmaa honored one of its former leaders, Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed Al-Sabt, former Dean of the College, on Sunday, 8/7/1439 AH at the university camp.

The staff of Special Education Department at Majmaah Education College are pleased to congratulate Dr. Bandar bin Abdulaziz Alhassan, Assistant Professor, on his winning the “outstanding research” award in the field of human and administrative sciences for the year 1438/ 1439 H, and wish him…

On Thursday, March 15th 2018, a workshop entitled: “Priorities” was held at English language department at Majmaah Education College- female section.

The Special Education Department- female section- in Zulfi carried out a training program to develop social responsibility skills in normal children and those with special needs. The program was held on Thursday, 27/6/1439 H, at Women’s Social training Centre in Zulfi .

In cooperation with Human Development Centre (Obour) for daycare, Special Needs Department held a workshop entitled “Skills of Managing Session of Kids with Special Needs ”. The workshop was held on Monday, 1/7/1439 H. Dr.

The College of Education staff is pleased to congratulate Dr. Bandar bin Abdul Aziz Al-Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, for winning the outstanding research award in Human and Administrative Sciences, 1438/1439.