News Archive

On Tuesday, March 6th 2018, a training session on “Job interviews” was held at Education College, English department- female section. Ms. Hafsa Riyadh who presented the session explained the tips to help the applicant pass the job interviews.

Professor Yasser Al-Wale'i presented a seminar on “Speech Act”: a cultural study of the complaining expressions used by the British and Saudis, in the presence of the Dean Dr. Majid bin Othman Abu Hussein and a number of members of the department.

In the presence of the Dean of the College Dr. Majid Othman Aba Hussain, and the Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr.

The Education College participated in the associated exhibition of the Scientific Research and Innovation Award in the presence of Education College Dean Dr. Majed, vice-dean for High Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Abdulaziz Alosman, and heads of scientific departments.

A training session were held by the Student Advising Unit on Monday 17/6/1439 AH at the Education College of Majmaa University on the theme “how to be a successful woman”. The training session was presented by Dr. Maha Abdul-Hakeem.

A training session was held by the Student Service Unit of Student Affairs Deanship at the College of Education on the theme “Research Skills”. The session, presented by Dr. Isam Abdul-Khaliq Ahmad, addressed several topics including: methodologies of writing a scientific research.

In collaboration with the Student Advising Unit, a workshop on “Human communication skills is the way to success” was held at Education College. Dr. Iman Alhisah presented the workshop on Wednesday, 12/6/1439 H.

The Department of Special Education at the College of Education in Majmah (Girls' Section) participated in the traditional activities of Al-Janadriya, in coordination with the National Festival of Heritage and Culture.

The English Department celebrated at the College of Education (Girls Section) Janadriyah Day, in which female students of the Department participated from different levels. From different regions in Saudi Arabia, Students displayed their works such as paintings, food, clothes and tools.

The College of Education in Majmah, represented by the Department of Educational Sciences, organized a training course entitled: "Stress Management" on Wednesday, 12/6/1439, at 10.30 am in the College.

A workshop for female students at the College of Education in Majmaa on citizenship and quality of performance

A Poetry symposium was conducted by Ms. Khadija Guzail in the Department of English at the Faculty of Education in Majmaa (female Section) on Monday, 17/6/1439 AH.

As part of the Quality Week at the College of Education in Majmaah, the College's Department for Quality and Skills Development organized an educational meeting with the students of the College to explain various quality concepts ad to introduce them to the Rector's award for quality.

The Special Education Department staff congratulate Dr. Majed Abahussain on the MU rector’s trust to appoint him as a dean of Education College. The Department's staff wish him a good luck to accomplish the set goals of the department.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development visited the College of Education in Majmaah on Tuesday 25/6/1439 from 9 am to 2:30 pm.

The Department of English at the College of Education in Majmaah, congratulated the Head of the English Language Department Dr. Majid Othman Aba Hussain for being appointed as Dean of the College of Education.

The College of Education at the University of Majmaah held a workshop entitled "Academic Accreditation and its Impact on the Student" as part of the "Quality Week" activities held at the College Theater.

As part of the Quality Week held at the College of Education in the students' section from 16-20 / 6 / 1439, the Quality and Skills Development Department conducted a meeting in the Academic Accreditation Hall on Monday 17/6/1439 to discuss topics related to quality such applying for Rector's awa

Represented by Zulfi Education College female students, Special Education Department took part in celebrating the Civil Defense Global Day event under the theme “Educational institutions and safety knowledge” on Thursday 13/6/1439 H.

As part of the Quality Week held at the College of Education in the student section from 16-20 / 6 / 1439, a meeting was held by the Quality and Skills Development with heads of academic departments on Tuesday 18/6/1439 to discuss various topics; to preview the latest developments and the readine